The Struggle

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The Struggle is a concept introduced by the Envoy that describes an ancient conflict between tremendous forces such as the Tangle, the Cleansing Fire, and the Decay. These forces cannot and do not clash directly, as they risk rending the fabric of reality and the cosmos asunder. Instead, conflicts are settled through duels between mortal champions. These champions can safely do battle without rupturing reality.[1]


The Tangle

The Tangle is some sort of horrific mass of organic beings melded together, and every one of those beings is pulling and clawing away eternally, trying to escape the pain and pursue even the smallest pleasure or consumption to distract themselves from the agony of their horrible existence. A bastion of flesh that towered above, smothering the stars. Even the stars themselves began to vanish behind the tangle of grasping limbs and screaming mouths. The more those trapped in the Tangle reach out, the more beings get absorbed, making the whole thing even more painful and cacophonous.

The wind speaks in silver whispers, barely perceptible to those lost in the mire. The sky is tinged with screams of pain. They cry out in agony from the depths of The Tangle, for they are ever-consuming and eternally consumed, their hunger forever insatiable. Their misshapen mass drags itself across the firmament in search of ecstasy, each limb grasping in a different direction, each mouth desperate for a different escape from pain. So overcome, it cannot fathom the will of its progenitor, nor any other.

The Cleansing Fire

The Cleansing Fire seems to be a colossal brain composed of 'blazing suns and black stars' that developed the ability to think, and has spent eternity voraciously seeking knowledge at the expense of disintegrating everything it studies. Somehow, it even keeps a library of minds, refusing to let those it has annihilated actually cease to exist.

The Decay

It lurched across these places with a hunger insatiable. It craved events past and prevented events passing. A mind like yours, so full of ideas and memories that flutter and swirl around you like smoke, would have been an irresistible temptation.
