Solerai's Spear"When hope was but a memory, the twin sister Sekhemas Solerai and Lundara arose to unite the Maraketh. They wielded the essence of gold and silver. The Spear is one of the two weapons that forged us."
Acquisition Drop level: 1 Drops from the final room of Contract: A Matter of Honour.Metadata Item class: Quest Item Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Heist/QuestItems/HeistFinalObjectiveQuestAdiyah1
Solerai's Spear is a quest item for the quest Contract: A Matter of HonourContract: A Matter of HonourClient:Adiyah Heist Target:Solerai's Spear Area Level:(34-#) RequiresPerception (Level2) RequiresAdiyah, the WayfinderWhen hope was but a memory, the twin sister Sekhemas Solerai and Lundara arose to unite the Maraketh. They wielded the essence of gold and silver. The Spear is one of the two weapons that forged us.". It can be given to Adiyah, The Wayfinder in The Rogue Harbor and she will pay you Rogue's Marker currency items in exchange.
The spear is similar to the spear used by Solaris, Eternal Sun in The Harbour Bridge. The flavour text of a Heist target, Seal of SolarisSeal of Solaris"It is my belief that Solerai, from the Maraketh legend, is Solaris herself in another system of myths. If I can prove that, I can begin piecing together a true history of the Winter of the World."Can be exchanged with Faustus, the Fence in The Rogue Harbour, also hinted that Solerai and Solaris may be the same deity.