Quest item

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Quest items is an item class for items related to quests; they can be required for completing a quest or are rewarded to players that finish one. Quest items cannot be traded away or moved to a stash. They can be dropped on the ground, however.

List of quest items

ItemFlavour text
"O' Eternal""O' Eternal""A symbolic piece of history,
from a time when people of all backgrounds
united against a common enemy."
"A symbolic piece of history,
from a time when people of all backgrounds
united against a common enemy."
"The Kiss Goodnight""The Kiss Goodnight""Traitorous scum took the life I could've had.
I ain't usually the forgiving type,
but I feel in this case that I owe him a little gift."
"Traitorous scum took the life I could've had.
I ain't usually the forgiving type,
but I feel in this case that I owe him a little gift."
"The Nameless Play""The Nameless Play""I heard the script will send any who attempt to perform it mad,
but other than that, it is very good."
"I heard the script will send any who attempt to perform it mad,
but other than that, it is very good."
Admiral Darnaw's PapersAdmiral Darnaw's Papers"Darnaw is stupid and confident.
I am certain he will have recorded his misdeeds."
"Darnaw is stupid and confident.
I am certain he will have recorded his misdeeds."
Alchemical SuppliesAlchemical Supplies"Just the usual highly-illegal compounds.
Don't drop them. It's fine if you do, but don't."
"Just the usual highly-illegal compounds.
Don't drop them. It's fine if you do, but don't."
Alira's AmuletAlira's AmuletSegregated by treachery, this artefact
longs to be reunited with her sisters.
Segregated by treachery, this artefact
longs to be reunited with her sisters.
AllflameAllflameDistilled from naked ambition and unfettered obsession,
the Allflame emanates a silvern warmth like no other,
and engulfs those moths fool enough to embrace it.
Distilled from naked ambition and unfettered obsession,
the Allflame emanates a silvern warmth like no other,
and engulfs those moths fool enough to embrace it.
Ammonite GlyphAmmonite GlyphWhen put to the ear it whispers not of
the sea, but long dead incantations.
When put to the ear it whispers not of
the sea, but long dead incantations.
Ankh of EternityAnkh of Eternity"The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things...""The amulet, it... whispers to me. Horrible things..."
Baffling BlueprintsBaffling Blueprints...the blueprints for my Extreme Warmth Beam, my Storm Wooing Rod,
the Mind Sublimator, and the Unbreakable...!
...the blueprints for my Extreme Warmth Beam, my Storm Wooing Rod,
the Mind Sublimator, and the Unbreakable...!
Baleful GemBaleful GemThe withering glare of corruption, made
corporeal and pellucid in crystal.
The withering glare of corruption, made
corporeal and pellucid in crystal.
Basilisk AcidBasilisk AcidNobility once thought to capture the Basilisks and keep them as exotic pets.
This only served to fatten the vileness of their hearts, and with a hateful
acid that festered inside, the creatures became soured to their very bones.
Nobility once thought to capture the Basilisks and keep them as exotic pets.
This only served to fatten the vileness of their hearts, and with a hateful
acid that festered inside, the creatures became soured to their very bones.
Bestel's ManuscriptBestel's Manuscript"A stranger's kiss on a moonlit night.
Dost thou believe in love at first sight?"
"A stranger's kiss on a moonlit night.
Dost thou believe in love at first sight?"
Black VenomBlack Venom"The spider is not defined by how
it lives, but by how it kills."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
"The spider is not defined by how
it lives, but by how it kills."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Blackguard Personnel FilesBlackguard Personnel Files"Lost touch with a mate of mine when
he got recruited into some secret squad.
Just want to see how he's doing."
"Lost touch with a mate of mine when
he got recruited into some secret squad.
Just want to see how he's doing."
Bottled StormBottled Storm"One should not entice the storm; one cannot invite the storm, or give warrant
to its tyrant-soul. We survive only by appeasing the storm, with gifts and
offerings of adoration. We hope that, in its mercy, it shall pass us by."
- Tempestology of the Maraketh, Repudion IV
"One should not entice the storm; one cannot invite the storm, or give warrant
to its tyrant-soul. We survive only by appeasing the storm, with gifts and
offerings of adoration. We hope that, in its mercy, it shall pass us by."
- Tempestology of the Maraketh, Repudion IV
Bust of Gaius SentariBust of Gaius SentariThe Emperor honours Gaius Sentari as Supreme Servant.
"A man's thoughts are his shackles. A man's thoughts are his wings."
The Emperor honours Gaius Sentari as Supreme Servant.
"A man's thoughts are his shackles. A man's thoughts are his wings."
Bust of Hector TituciusBust of Hector TituciusThe Emperor honours Hector Titucius as Supreme Servant.
"Strength in purpose is strength in deed."
The Emperor honours Hector Titucius as Supreme Servant.
"Strength in purpose is strength in deed."
Bust of Marceus LioneyeBust of Marceus LioneyeThe Emperor honours Marceus Lioneye as Supreme Servant.
"The road to Glory is paved with Sacrifice."
The Emperor honours Marceus Lioneye as Supreme Servant.
"The road to Glory is paved with Sacrifice."
Calendar of FortuneCalendar of FortuneThe King looked upon images swirling atop the ancient stone dial.
"You look peaceful" he told his bride-to-be, "So peaceful, asleep in our wedding bed."
But in phantasm, she did not slumber, and what he saw was not a place for dreams,
rather, a wooden box... about to be closed and lowered into earthy depths.
- Maraketh Legend
The King looked upon images swirling atop the ancient stone dial.
"You look peaceful" he told his bride-to-be, "So peaceful, asleep in our wedding bed."
But in phantasm, she did not slumber, and what he saw was not a place for dreams,
rather, a wooden box... about to be closed and lowered into earthy depths.
- Maraketh Legend
Census RecordsCensus Records"Loved her like she was my own daughter.
I just want to know she's safe."
"Loved her like she was my own daughter.
I just want to know she's safe."
Chitus' PlumChitus' PlumAs succulent as blood, as sweet as power.As succulent as blood, as sweet as power.
Decanter SpiritusDecanter Spiritus"Man is blinded by the mud of his corporeal self. Only
through the transformation of the material into the
spiritual can we hope to taste the full body of life."
- Malachai the Soulless
"Man is blinded by the mud of his corporeal self. Only
through the transformation of the material into the
spiritual can we hope to taste the full body of life."
- Malachai the Soulless
Deshret's BannerDeshret's BannerWhen the sun sets, the plains should be red.When the sun sets, the plains should be red.
Elixir of AllureElixir of AllureFamous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
Famous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
Enoch's TagsEnoch's Tags"Enoch deserved better.
This is the least I can do."
"Enoch deserved better.
This is the least I can do."
Eye of ConquestEye of Conquest"Weakness must be purged lest it
poison the blood of all Karui."
- Prayer to Tukohama
"Weakness must be purged lest it
poison the blood of all Karui."
- Prayer to Tukohama
Eyes of ZealEyes of ZealEyes blazing with holy flame, the Pilgrim saw
a great palace descend from the burgeoning sky,
its gates barred against the unfaithful.
Eyes blazing with holy flame, the Pilgrim saw
a great palace descend from the burgeoning sky,
its gates barred against the unfaithful.
FireflyFireflyIn all things living, the light burns bright.In all things living, the light burns bright.
FireflyFireflyA passionate fire that consumes the heart.A passionate fire that consumes the heart.
FireflyFireflyThe Spirit, it radiates not from above.The Spirit, it radiates not from above.
FireflyFireflyIt is the warmth that draws you ever inward.It is the warmth that draws you ever inward.
FireflyFireflyWhere rest the truest colours of life.Where rest the truest colours of life.
FireflyFireflyGold of the organ. Green of the throat. Red of the vein.Gold of the organ. Green of the throat. Red of the vein.
FireflyFireflyThe myriad wet rainbow of the Spirit's domain.The myriad wet rainbow of the Spirit's domain.
Fleet OrdersFleet Orders"Fidium's fealty to fairness
makes him the perfect pawn in my plan.
Our plan. Perfect pawn in OUR plan."
"Fidium's fealty to fairness
makes him the perfect pawn in my plan.
Our plan. Perfect pawn in OUR plan."
Flesh CompassFlesh CompassAllows you to pursue The Eater of Worlds by adding its influence to a map from your Map Device.Use this item on the Map Device in your Hideout to attach the Flesh Compass.
Fumarole TarFumarole Tar"I wish I could say this was the first time I've forgotten to restock on this thing.
I forget what it was, but I'm sure I'll remember by the time we need to get it.
Was it beetles? Bottles? I think it began with 'B'.
Or it had no 'B'."
"I wish I could say this was the first time I've forgotten to restock on this thing.
I forget what it was, but I'm sure I'll remember by the time we need to get it.
Was it beetles? Bottles? I think it began with 'B'.
Or it had no 'B'."
Golden HandGolden HandAn open palm raised in peace,
cut down by the slaves of war.
An open palm raised in peace,
cut down by the slaves of war.
Golden PageGolden Page"The Vaal were even more steeped in gem culture than
our Emperor and his 'Gemlings'. It's an obsession
as old as civilisation itself."
- Icius Perandus
"The Vaal were even more steeped in gem culture than
our Emperor and his 'Gemlings'. It's an obsession
as old as civilisation itself."
- Icius Perandus
Golden PageGolden Page"A communion... but with what? By all accounts,
it wasn't God that the Vaal were trying to reach."
- Icius Perandus
"A communion... but with what? By all accounts,
it wasn't God that the Vaal were trying to reach."
- Icius Perandus
Golden PageGolden Page"A waking Nightmare.
Madness of the mind?
Or madness of the flesh?"
- Icius Perandus
"A waking Nightmare.
Madness of the mind?
Or madness of the flesh?"
- Icius Perandus
Golden PageGolden Page"Siosa, your Slavery will cause them to overlook you.
Your Karui Way will guide you.
Your Humanity will shame us all."
- Icius Perandus
"Siosa, your Slavery will cause them to overlook you.
Your Karui Way will guide you.
Your Humanity will shame us all."
- Icius Perandus
Greust's NecklaceGreust's Necklace"A boy becomes a man when he has faced the animal
in his heart and wet the forest floor with its blood."
- Azmeri Proverb
"A boy becomes a man when he has faced the animal
in his heart and wet the forest floor with its blood."
- Azmeri Proverb
Haliotis GlyphHaliotis GlyphIts corrugated surface brings a strange tingle
to the fingertips. This is no mere decoration.
Its corrugated surface brings a strange tingle
to the fingertips. This is no mere decoration.
Hapihapi's CharmHapihapi's Charm"When you stop viewing someone as a fellow human being,
there's little you won't do to forward your agenda.
That is what we're dealing with."
"When you stop viewing someone as a fellow human being,
there's little you won't do to forward your agenda.
That is what we're dealing with."
Hinekora's HairHinekora's Hair"What we steal in life we repay in death."
- Karui Proverb
"What we steal in life we repay in death."
- Karui Proverb
Incandescent InvitationIncandescent InvitationFrom the corona of an ancient star,
the Searing Exarch seeks to master the Atlas.
From the corona of an ancient star,
the Searing Exarch seeks to master the Atlas.
Infernal TalcInfernal Talc"A Virtue Gem is a raging thunderstorm imprisoned within a single raindrop.
Infernal Talc simply lets the storm out." - Malachai the Soulless
"A Virtue Gem is a raging thunderstorm imprisoned within a single raindrop.
Infernal Talc simply lets the storm out." - Malachai the Soulless
Karst's LockpicksKarst's Lockpicks"They were me granddaddy's.
Could break into any house as quick and silent as a Cardinal's fart."
"They were me granddaddy's.
Could break into any house as quick and silent as a Cardinal's fart."
Key of DevotionKey of DevotionThe true disciple gives all that they are unto God.The true disciple gives all that they are unto God.
Key of StrengthKey of StrengthThe true disciple brings enlightenment to heretics.The true disciple brings enlightenment to heretics.
Kishara's StarKishara's StarTo the wily Kishara's eye, a star brighter than the sun.To the wily Kishara's eye, a star brighter than the sun.
Kraityn's AmuletKraityn's AmuletWhile this artefact resonates with power,
it is simply a piece in a larger puzzle.
While this artefact resonates with power,
it is simply a piece in a larger puzzle.
Luminous AstrolabeLuminous AstrolabeAllows you to pursue The Searing Exarch by adding its influence to a map from your Map Device.Use this item on the Map Device in your Hideout to attach the Luminous Astrolabe.
Malachai's EntrailsMalachai's EntrailsMy organs tether me to mortality
like a chain. This chain holds me
from my true potential.
My organs tether me to mortality
like a chain. This chain holds me
from my true potential.
Malachai's HeartMalachai's HeartMy heart forces blood through my veins.
But one who may bleed may die, and
death is no fitting end to genius.
My heart forces blood through my veins.
But one who may bleed may die, and
death is no fitting end to genius.
Malachai's LungsMalachai's LungsMy lungs breathe the same air as
the foolish and the weak. May I be
yet another step removed from them.
My lungs breathe the same air as
the foolish and the weak. May I be
yet another step removed from them.
Maligaro's MapMaligaro's Map"Certain maps can only be rendered in the most vivid of viscera."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
"Certain maps can only be rendered in the most vivid of viscera."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Maligaro's SpikeMaligaro's SpikeMaligaro loved his tools, and took great
pains to keep them excruciatingly sharp.
Maligaro loved his tools, and took great
pains to keep them excruciatingly sharp.
Master KeyMaster Key
Maven's Invitation: The AtlasMaven's Invitation: The AtlasFor those who must not endure it,
there may be found a perverse joy
in watching the struggle for survival.
Open portals to The Maven's Crucible by using this item in a personal Map Device.
For those who must not endure it,
there may be found a perverse joy
in watching the struggle for survival.
Medicine ChestMedicine ChestDoctor "Shaky Hands" Opden travelled with only the
finest medicines and antidotes... and a curiously
generous supply of opiates.
Doctor "Shaky Hands" Opden travelled with only the
finest medicines and antidotes... and a curiously
generous supply of opiates.
Merveil's Wedding DressMerveil's Wedding Dress"Let's just hope she wasn't wearing it when she wandered into the sea!""Let's just hope she wasn't wearing it when she wandered into the sea!"
MiasmeterMiasmeter"We shall peer at these cosmic wonderments as they
wake and writhe within that deep and nameless dark."
- Vilenta, 'Miasmeter: A Thesis'
"We shall peer at these cosmic wonderments as they
wake and writhe within that deep and nameless dark."
- Vilenta, 'Miasmeter: A Thesis'
Moon OrbMoon Orb"Moonlight is a wise mother. The moon which bathes us in soft,
cooling light, does so with the intent of illuminating our paths.
Moonlight is wisdom. Moonlight is life."
- The Lunar Verses
"Moonlight is a wise mother. The moon which bathes us in soft,
cooling light, does so with the intent of illuminating our paths.
Moonlight is wisdom. Moonlight is life."
- The Lunar Verses
Nashta's War JournalNashta's War Journal"Wraeclast is harsh, and the Plains of Vastiri are unforgiving. We Maraketh can
ill afford an internal war. We must prove that Nashta is behind these attacks."
"Wraeclast is harsh, and the Plains of Vastiri are unforgiving. We Maraketh can
ill afford an internal war. We must prove that Nashta is behind these attacks."
Oak's AmuletOak's AmuletA relic of a sundered relationship,
it awaits reconciliation with its kin.
A relic of a sundered relationship,
it awaits reconciliation with its kin.
Obsidian KeyObsidian Key"The cool blanket of shadows preserves our treasures."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
"The cool blanket of shadows preserves our treasures."
- Inquisitor Maligaro
Pile of Inexplicable JunkPile of Inexplicable JunkMy inventions, my babies, deserve to be in better hands!My inventions, my babies, deserve to be in better hands!
Poisoned LockpickPoisoned Lockpick"Never take credit for another man's work.""Never take credit for another man's work."
Polaric InvitationPolaric InvitationOnce within the grasp of the Black Star,
there can be no escape.
Once within the grasp of the Black Star,
there can be no escape.
Ribbon SpoolRibbon SpoolMachinery makes the minions.
Minions make the master.
Machinery makes the minions.
Minions make the master.
Roseus GlyphRoseus GlyphIts pleasing sheen remains even in shadow,
as if it were somehow lit from within.
Its pleasing sheen remains even in shadow,
as if it were somehow lit from within.
Screaming InvitationScreaming InvitationFrom the heart of the Tangle, the Eater of Worlds
reaches out for control of the Atlas.
From the heart of the Tangle, the Eater of Worlds
reaches out for control of the Atlas.
Sekhema FeatherSekhema Feather"And how shall we know a sekhema worthy of rule?
By the anointing of the Great Roc, under whose wings we grow and soar."
- Maraketh Coronation Ritual
"And how shall we know a sekhema worthy of rule?
By the anointing of the Great Roc, under whose wings we grow and soar."
- Maraketh Coronation Ritual
Sewer KeysSewer KeysTo enter a city's bowels is to be
privy to its best-kept secrets.
To enter a city's bowels is to be
privy to its best-kept secrets.
Sign of PuritySign of PurityWrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity,
capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.
Wrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity,
capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.
Silver LocketSilver LocketFrom Weylam to Meredith:
I shall love thee as I love the sea.
From Weylam to Meredith:
I shall love thee as I love the sea.
Slaver's RecordsSlaver's Records"Selfishness and hate fuel these kidnappings.
It's time we find who is leading them."
"Selfishness and hate fuel these kidnappings.
It's time we find who is leading them."
Solerai's SpearSolerai's Spear"When hope was but a memory, the twin sister Sekhemas Solerai and Lundara arose to unite the Maraketh.
They wielded the essence of gold and silver. The Spear is one of the two weapons that forged us."
"When hope was but a memory, the twin sister Sekhemas Solerai and Lundara arose to unite the Maraketh.
They wielded the essence of gold and silver. The Spear is one of the two weapons that forged us."
Storm BladeStorm BladeGarukhan sought madness and knowledge amongst the billowing clouds of a
blackened sky. A vulture of pride, she would not be refused, and so the
stratosphere divulged unto her eldritch secrets of its tumultuous past.
Garukhan sought madness and knowledge amongst the billowing clouds of a
blackened sky. A vulture of pride, she would not be refused, and so the
stratosphere divulged unto her eldritch secrets of its tumultuous past.
Sun OrbSun Orb"The sun is a devoted mother. She casts her golden blessings on
the crops of the pious and makes barren the fields of heresy.
Sunlight is belief. Sunlight is life."
- The Solar Verses
"The sun is a devoted mother. She casts her golden blessings on
the crops of the pious and makes barren the fields of heresy.
Sunlight is belief. Sunlight is life."
- The Solar Verses
Templar UniformsTemplar Uniforms"Make sure it'll fit a small man, or a very large child.
And check for stains! Knew a few people who'd use them for-...
...Just check for stains."
"Make sure it'll fit a small man, or a very large child.
And check for stains! Knew a few people who'd use them for-...
...Just check for stains."
Thaumetic EmblemThaumetic EmblemA sigil of thaumaturgy graven in granite.A sigil of thaumaturgy graven in granite.
Thaumetic SulphiteThaumetic SulphiteEssence of pure thaumaturgy.
Apply with trepidation.
Essence of pure thaumaturgy.
Apply with trepidation.
The ApexThe ApexThough its power has been shared, there
is still more the Apex might unlock.
Though its power has been shared, there
is still more the Apex might unlock.
The Black FlagThe Black Flag"May the lubbers feel fear in their
nethers, and may our blades follow."
- Rot-tooth's Rallying Cry
"May the lubbers feel fear in their
nethers, and may our blades follow."
- Rot-tooth's Rallying Cry
The Blood IdolThe Blood Idol
The Eye of DesireThe Eye of Desire"It is a cruel joke that
Man was born with more
Intent than Life."
- Malachai
"It is a cruel joke that
Man was born with more
Intent than Life."
- Malachai
The Eye of FuryThe Eye of Fury"Fear becomes Hatred.
Hatred becomes Fury.
Thus is Man transformed
from Martyr to Maker."
- Malachai
"Fear becomes Hatred.
Hatred becomes Fury.
Thus is Man transformed
from Martyr to Maker."
- Malachai
The Maven's BeaconThe Maven's BeaconAllows you to call the Maven to a map from your Map Device.Right-click this item then left-click the Map Device in your Hideout to attach the Maven's Beacon.
The Mortinomicon Exitio ImmortalisThe Mortinomicon Exitio ImmortalisArea Level: 68Hoc sciendo scribo ut verba mea perdant animam
meam eternam. Mihi credendum est quod novus
deus meus non sit tam divinus quam ipse petit...
Hoc sciendo scribo ut verba mea perdant animam
meam eternam. Mihi credendum est quod novus
deus meus non sit tam divinus quam ipse petit...
The Shaper's KeyThe Shaper's KeyI spent my life shining a light on truth...
but some things should remain in darkness,
locked away for all eternity.
I spent my life shining a light on truth...
but some things should remain in darkness,
locked away for all eternity.
The Staff of PurityThe Staff of Purity"Worry not for the heathens. They are devoid of soul.
Made vessels of wrath, they are damned by holy design."
- High Templar Avarius
"Worry not for the heathens. They are devoid of soul.
Made vessels of wrath, they are damned by holy design."
- High Templar Avarius
The TeardropThe Teardrop"T'gnagn iia y r'ngusla ph'tu Tsoatha nga mekghul'an."
- Indecipherable verse
"T'gnagn iia y r'ngusla ph'tu Tsoatha nga mekghul'an."
- Indecipherable verse
The Thought ExtractorThe Thought Extractor"There is nothing quite so exquisite as a forced confession. The sufferer will
say anything to make the pain stop, and that's the point. Guilt is irrelevant."
"There is nothing quite so exquisite as a forced confession. The sufferer will
say anything to make the pain stop, and that's the point. Guilt is irrelevant."
Tibbs' WealthTibbs' Wealth"Damn near everything I've earned.
Worth every little bit."
"Damn near everything I've earned.
Worth every little bit."
Tolman's BraceletTolman's BraceletA craftswoman's ode to
fresh hope, a new love.
A craftswoman's ode to
fresh hope, a new love.
Tower KeyTower KeyGod will only offer the door.
Man must choose whether to open it.
God will only offer the door.
Man must choose whether to open it.
Trarthan PowderTrarthan Powder"Blow it all down! The emperor must have his gems, no matter the cost!""Blow it all down! The emperor must have his gems, no matter the cost!"
Tukohama's ToothTukohama's Tooth"The belly cannot hunger for what the eyes cannot see."
- Karui Proverb
"The belly cannot hunger for what the eyes cannot see."
- Karui Proverb
Tullina's Engagement RingTullina's Engagement Ring"It isn't fair to either of us to keep chasing this dream.""It isn't fair to either of us to keep chasing this dream."
Valako's JawValako's Jaw"One day you eat the fish. One day you feed the fish."
- Karui Proverb
"One day you eat the fish. One day you feed the fish."
- Karui Proverb
Viridi's FingerViridi's Finger"It supposedly causes enormous plants to grow from almost any soil. The myth claims we
need to sacrifice a baby to make it function, but that's a bit grotesque, even for me."
"It supposedly causes enormous plants to grow from almost any soil. The myth claims we
need to sacrifice a baby to make it function, but that's a bit grotesque, even for me."
Wings of VastiriWings of VastiriAnd mounting her mighty Roc, Garukhan, holy queen of the sky,
descended upon her enemies and their armies of darkness.
And mounting her mighty Roc, Garukhan, holy queen of the sky,
descended upon her enemies and their armies of darkness.
Writhing InvitationWrithing InvitationThe Infinite Hunger awaits in a cosmic stomach where
whole civilisations are digested - but do not die.
The Infinite Hunger awaits in a cosmic stomach where
whole civilisations are digested - but do not die.


Books are quest items that grant the player special bonuses when used. Books can be obtained through quests or vendor recipes.

Books of Skill

Books of Skill typically grant one passive skill point. A Book of Skill can be obtained from the following quests (all grant one passive skill point except where otherwise noted):

  • The Dweller of the DeepBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • The Marooned MarinerBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • The Way ForwardBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Through Sacred GroundBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points. – also grants two passive respec points
  • Victario's SecretsBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point. – also grants two passive respec points
  • Piety's PetsBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • An Indomitable SpiritBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points. – also grants two passive respec points
  • In Service to ScienceBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Kitava's TormentsBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points. – also grants two passive respec points
  • The Father of WarBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • The Cloven OneBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • The Puppet MistressBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • The Master of a Million FacesBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Queen of DespairBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Kishara's StarBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points. – also grants two passive respec points
  • Love is DeadBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point and two Passive Respec Points. – also grants two passive respec points
  • The Gemling LegionBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Reflection of TerrorBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Queen of the SandsBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • The Ruler of HighgateBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • Vilenta's VengeanceBook of SkillGrants a Passive Skill PointA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain a Passive Skill Point.
  • An End to HungerBook of SkillGrants two Passive Skill PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain two Passive Skill Points. – grants two passive skill points

Books of Regrets

Books of Regrets grant two passive respec points. A Book of Regrets can be obtained from the following quests:

  • A Dirty JobBook of RegretsGrants two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain two Passive Respec Points.
  • Fallen from GraceBook of RegretsGrants two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain two Passive Respec Points.
  • Fastis FortunaBook of RegretsGrants two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain two Passive Respec Points.
  • No Love for Old GhostsBook of RegretsGrants two Passive Respec PointsA Book of Skill. Right-click to gain two Passive Respec Points.

Books of Reform

After completing Deal with the Bandits, the player gains the favour of one of the bandits or Eramir. The players can change whose favour they have by using a Book of Reform.

ItemHelp text
Book of ReformBook of ReformGains Alira's favour.A Book of Reform. Use to gain Alira's favour.A Book of Reform. Use to gain Alira's favour.
Book of ReformBook of ReformGains Kraityn's favour.A Book of Reform. Use to gain Kraityn's favour.A Book of Reform. Use to gain Kraityn's favour.
Book of ReformBook of ReformGains Oak's favour.A Book of Reform. Use to gain Oak's favour.A Book of Reform. Use to gain Oak's favour.

Atlas Book of Skill

Atlas Books of Skill grant one Atlas passive skill point and two Atlas passive respec points. An Atlas Book of Skill can be obtained by defeating an Atlas Pinnacle Boss for the first time. There are six in total.

  • Atlas Book of SkillAtlas Book of SkillGain an Atlas Passive Skill Point and two Atlas Passive Respec Points

Heist contracts

ItemFlavour text
Contract: A Matter of HonourContract: A Matter of HonourClient: Adiyah
Heist Target: Solerai's Spear
Area Level: (34-#)
Requires Perception (Level 2)
Requires Adiyah, the Wayfinder
When hope was but a memory, the twin sister Sekhemas Solerai and Lundara arose to unite the Maraketh.
They wielded the essence of gold and silver. The Spear is one of the two weapons that forged us."
When hope was but a memory, the twin sister Sekhemas Solerai and Lundara arose to unite the Maraketh.
They wielded the essence of gold and silver. The Spear is one of the two weapons that forged us."
Contract: A Mundane SampleContract: A Mundane Sample"It supposedly causes enormous plants to grow from almost any soil. The myth claims we
need to sacrifice a baby to make it function, but that's a bit grotesque, even for me."
"It supposedly causes enormous plants to grow from almost any soil. The myth claims we
need to sacrifice a baby to make it function, but that's a bit grotesque, even for me."
Contract: Credit Where Credit's DueContract: Credit Where Credit's Due"Never take credit for another man's work.""Never take credit for another man's work."
Contract: DisengagementContract: Disengagement"It isn't fair to either of us to keep chasing this dream.""It isn't fair to either of us to keep chasing this dream."
Contract: Enoch's RemainsContract: Enoch's Remains"Enoch deserved better.
This is the least I can do."
"Enoch deserved better.
This is the least I can do."
Contract: Enoch's WhereaboutsContract: Enoch's WhereaboutsClient: Huck
Heist Target: Blackguard Personnel Files
Area Level: #
Requires Lockpicking (Level 1)
"Lost touch with a mate of mine when
he got recruited into some secret squad.
Just want to see how he's doing."
"Lost touch with a mate of mine when
he got recruited into some secret squad.
Just want to see how he's doing."
Contract: Finding OpalContract: Finding OpalClient: Tibbs
Heist Target: Census Records
Area Level: #
Requires Brute Force (Level 1)
Requires Tibbs, the Giant
"Loved her like she was my own daughter.
I just want to know she's safe."
"Loved her like she was my own daughter.
I just want to know she's safe."
Contract: Findings for FidiumContract: Findings for FidiumClient: Faustus
Heist Target: Plant Darnaw's Papers
Area Level: #
Requires Agility (Level 2)
"Fidium's fealty to fairness
makes him the perfect pawn in my plan.
Our plan. Perfect pawn in OUR plan."
"Fidium's fealty to fairness
makes him the perfect pawn in my plan.
Our plan. Perfect pawn in OUR plan."
Contract: Flying False ColoursContract: Flying False ColoursClient: Adiyah
Heist Target: Nashta's War Journal
Area Level: (70-#)
Requires Perception (Level 3)
Requires Adiyah, the Wayfinder
"Wraeclast is harsh, and the Plains of Vastiri are unforgiving. We Maraketh can
ill afford an internal war. We must prove that Nashta is behind these attacks."
"Wraeclast is harsh, and the Plains of Vastiri are unforgiving. We Maraketh can
ill afford an internal war. We must prove that Nashta is behind these attacks."
Contract: Follow the Paper TrailContract: Follow the Paper TrailClient: Whakano
Heist Target: Slaver's Records
Area Level: #
Requires Lockpicking (Level 2)
"Selfishness and hate fuel these kidnappings.
It's time we find who is leading them."
"Selfishness and hate fuel these kidnappings.
It's time we find who is leading them."
Contract: Grocery ListContract: Grocery List"Just the usual highly-illegal compounds.
Don't drop them. It's fine if you do, but don't."
"Just the usual highly-illegal compounds.
Don't drop them. It's fine if you do, but don't."
Contract: Hyrri's GiftContract: Hyrri's GiftClient: Kurai
Heist Target: "O' Eternal"
Area Level: (68-?)
Requires Lockpicking (Level 2)
"A symbolic piece of history,
from a time when people of all backgrounds
united against a common enemy."
"A symbolic piece of history,
from a time when people of all backgrounds
united against a common enemy."
Contract: Isla's DesignsContract: Isla's DesignsClient: Isla
Heist Target: Baffling Blueprints
Area Level: (55-?)
Requires Trap Disarmament (Level 1)
Requires Isla, the Engineer
...the blueprints for my Extreme Warmth Beam, my Storm Wooing Rod,
the Mind Sublimator, and the Unbreakable...!
...the blueprints for my Extreme Warmth Beam, my Storm Wooing Rod,
the Mind Sublimator, and the Unbreakable...!
Contract: Isla's PrototypesContract: Isla's PrototypesClient: Isla
Heist Target: Pile of Inexplicable Junk
Area Level: (46-?)
Requires Trap Disarmament (Level 1)
Requires Isla, the Engineer
My inventions, my babies, deserve to be in better hands!
My inventions, my babies, deserve to be in better hands!
Contract: Karst's RevengeContract: Karst's Revenge"Traitorous scum took the life I could've had.
I ain't usually the forgiving type,
but I feel in this case that I owe him a little gift."
"Traitorous scum took the life I could've had.
I ain't usually the forgiving type,
but I feel in this case that I owe him a little gift."
Contract: Opal's JewelsContract: Opal's JewelsClient: Tibbs
Heist Target: Set Opal Up for Life
Area Level: #
Requires Brute Force (Level 2)
Requires Tibbs, the Giant
"Damn near everything I've earned.
Worth every little bit."
"Damn near everything I've earned.
Worth every little bit."
Contract: Rational ToolsContract: Rational Tools"There is nothing quite so exquisite as a forced confession. The sufferer will
say anything to make the pain stop, and that's the point. Guilt is irrelevant."
"There is nothing quite so exquisite as a forced confession. The sufferer will
say anything to make the pain stop, and that's the point. Guilt is irrelevant."
Contract: Slaver's RevengeContract: Slaver's RevengeClient: Whakano
Heist Target: Rescue Hapihapi
Area Level: #
Requires Brute Force (Level 1)
"When you stop viewing someone as a fellow human being,
there's little you won't do to forward your agenda.
That is what we're dealing with."
"When you stop viewing someone as a fellow human being,
there's little you won't do to forward your agenda.
That is what we're dealing with."
Contract: Stolen LockpicksContract: Stolen LockpicksClient: Karst
Heist Target: Karst's Lockpicks
Area Level: #
Requires Lockpicking (Level 1)
Requires Karst, the Lockpick
"They were me granddaddy's.
Could break into any house as quick and silent as a Cardinal's fart."
"They were me granddaddy's.
Could break into any house as quick and silent as a Cardinal's fart."
Contract: The Admiral's RecordsContract: The Admiral's Records"Darnaw is stupid and confident.
I am certain he will have recorded his misdeeds."
"Darnaw is stupid and confident.
I am certain he will have recorded his misdeeds."
Contract: The Finest CostumesContract: The Finest CostumesClient: Gianna
Heist Target: Templar Uniforms
Area Level: (80-?)
Requires Deception (Level 3)
Requires Gianna, the Master of Disguise
"Make sure it'll fit a small man, or a very large child.
And check for stains! Knew a few people who'd use them for-...
...Just check for stains."
"Make sure it'll fit a small man, or a very large child.
And check for stains! Knew a few people who'd use them for-...
...Just check for stains."
Contract: The Nameless PlayContract: The Nameless PlayClient: Gianna
Heist Target: "The Nameless Play"
Area Level: (68-?)
Requires Deception (Level 2)
Requires Gianna, the Master of Disguise
"I heard the script will send any who attempt to perform it mad,
but that other than that, it is very good."
"I heard the script will send any who attempt to perform it mad,
but that other than that, it is very good."
Contract: The NegotiationContract: The NegotiationClient: Kurai
Heist Target: Negotiate with the Client
Area Level: (75-?)
Requires Lockpicking (Level 3)
Requires Kurai, the Administrator
"An unusual request."
"An unusual request."
Contract: The RescueContract: The RescueClient: Kurai
Heist Target: Rescue Hana the Cat
Area Level: (75-83)
Requires Lockpicking (Level 4)
Requires Kurai, the Administrator
"I won't be bullied.
We must get Hana back."
"I won't be bullied.
We must get Hana back."
Contract: The Vinderi BombContract: The Vinderi Bomb"I wish I could say this was the first time I've forgotten to restock on this thing.
I forget what it was, but I'm sure I'll remember by the time we need to get it.
Was it beetles? Bottles? I think it began with 'B'.
Or it had no 'B'."
"I wish I could say this was the first time I've forgotten to restock on this thing.
I forget what it was, but I'm sure I'll remember by the time we need to get it.
Was it beetles? Bottles? I think it began with 'B'.
Or it had no 'B'."
Contract: The Wedding DressContract: The Wedding DressClient: Tullina
Heist Target: Merveil's Wedding Dress
Area Level: #
Requires Agility (Level 1)
Requires Tullina, the Catburglar
"Let's just hope she wasn't wearing it when she wandered into the sea!"
"Let's just hope she wasn't wearing it when she wandered into the sea!"
Contract: Trial RunContract: Trial RunClient: Bazira
Heist Target: Urn of Farud (Moderate Value)
Area Level: 45
Requires Lockpicking (Level 1)
Requires Karst, the Lockpick
"The Faridun cannot earn burial in the sky.
They have other ways of keeping the dead."
"The Faridun cannot earn burial in the sky.
They have other ways of keeping the dead."

Version history

Version Changes
  • Fixed crash when quest items drop.