Shepherd of Souls

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Shepherd of Souls
Vaal Non-Aura Skills have 80% less Soul Cost. Vaal Non-Aura Skills have 100% increased Soul Cost per Vaal Skill used in the past 8 seconds

Shepherd of Souls is a keystone passive skill/keyword which causes your Non-Aura Vaal Skills to have significantly less Soul Cost but causes the Soul Cost to gradually increase each time one is used.

This keystone effect does not exist on the passive tree and can only be attained through equipping Yaomac's AccordYaomac's Accord
Vaal Sceptre
Physical Damage: 37-70
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 1.1 metres
Requires Level 64, 113 Str, 113 Int32% increased Elemental Damage(80-120)% increased Damage with Vaal Skills
(8-6)% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration
Gain an Endurance Charge, Frenzy Charge, and Power Charge when you use a Vaal Skill
Shepherd of Souls
Their three serpentine heads found unity in balance.
. As a keystone, its stats can only be granted once; dual-wielding Yaomac's Accord provides no additional effect.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Shepherd of Souls, granted by the Yaomac's Accord Unique Sceptre, no longer causes other Vaal Skills to gain 50% of the consumed Souls when you use a Vaal Skill, and no longer causes Non-Vaal Skills to deal 30% less Damage. Instead, it now causes Vaal Non-Aura Skills to have 80% less Soul Cost, and Vaal Non-Aura Skills to have 100% increased Soul Cost per Vaal Skill used in the past 8 seconds.
  • Introduced to the game.

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