Hideout decoration

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Hideout decorations are cosmetic items that can be placed around a player's hideout.


Standard hideout decorations can be placed from the hideout edit interface in almost unlimited quantities.

There are some hideout decorations that can be purchased via microtransactions.

Completing challenges in a challenge league unlocks that league's challenger trophy, which is a hideout decoration that changes its appearance as the player completes additional challenges.

Types of hideout decorations

Standard hideout decorations

Standard hideout decorations are those that are available to use in unlimited quantities once the player obtains a hideout.


Challenge Trophies are earnable each league:

Abyss Challenger TrophyAbyss Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Affliction Challenger TrophyAffliction Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ancestor Challenger TrophyAncestor Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Archnemesis Challenger TrophyArchnemesis Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Bestiary Challenger TrophyBestiary Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Betrayal Challenger TrophyBetrayal Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Blight Challenger TrophyBlight Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Breach Challenger TrophyBreach Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Crucible Challenger TrophyCrucible Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Delirium Challenger TrophyDelirium Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Delve Challenger TrophyDelve Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Essence Challenger TrophyEssence Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Expedition Challenger TrophyExpedition Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Harbinger Challenger TrophyHarbinger Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Harvest Challenger TrophyHarvest Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Heist Challenger TrophyHeist Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Incursion Challenger TrophyIncursion Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Kalandra Challenger TrophyKalandra Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Legacy Challenger TrophyLegacy Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Legion Challenger TrophyLegion Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Metamorph Challenger TrophyMetamorph Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Necropolis Challenger TrophyNecropolis Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Perandus Challenger TrophyPerandus Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Prophecy Challenger TrophyProphecy Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ritual Challenger TrophyRitual Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ruthless Affliction Challenger TrophyRuthless Affliction Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ruthless Ancestor Challenger TrophyRuthless Ancestor Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ruthless Crucible Challenger TrophyRuthless Crucible Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ruthless Necropolis Challenger TrophyRuthless Necropolis Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ruthless Settlers Challenger TrophyRuthless Settlers Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Sanctum Challenger TrophySanctum Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Scourge Challenger TrophyScourge Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Sentinel Challenger TrophySentinel Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Settlers Challenger TrophySettlers Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Synthesis Challenger TrophySynthesis Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Talisman Challenger TrophyTalisman Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Torment and Bloodlines Challenger TrophyTorment and Bloodlines Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ultimatum Challenger TrophyUltimatum Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Warbands and Tempest Challenger TrophyWarbands and Tempest Challenger TrophyHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations

List of hideout decoration mtx

List of cosmetic decorations

The following decorations are available from in-game shop only or were included in a Supporter Pack.

Abyss Sigil DecorationAbyss Sigil DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Angelic Building SuppliesAngelic Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout17 Variations
Angelic CuriosAngelic CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout15 Variations
Angelic Environmental EffectAngelic Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Apprentice Hideout BannerApprentice Hideout BannerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Arcane FlameArcane FlameHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Arcane ThroneArcane ThroneHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Atlas TableAtlas TableHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Automaton BeamAutomaton BeamHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout6 Variations
Automaton DecorAutomaton DecorHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout17 Variations
Automaton LightningAutomaton LightningHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Beast CrystalBeast CrystalHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout9 Variations
Beast EggBeast EggHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Beast EyeBeast EyeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout18 Variations
Bestiary Entranceway Hideout DecorationFile:Bestiary Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngBestiary Entranceway Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Creates an Entranceway to the Menagerie.File:Bestiary Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Black Building SuppliesBlack Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout9 Variations
Black Environment Hideout DecorationBlack Environment Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Black StatueBlack StatueHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Blood and BoneBlood and BoneHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout32 Variations
Blood RainBlood RainHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Blue CrystalBlue CrystalHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Blue Proximity LightBlue Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Boxing RingBoxing RingHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 VariationsShift click to unstack.
Bronze Gargoyle StatueBronze Gargoyle StatueHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Brutus' CradleBrutus' CradleHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Burning Corpse PileBurning Corpse PileHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Canine CompanionCanine CompanionHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout11 Variations
CatapultCatapultHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout5 Variations
CauldronCauldronHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Celestial CathedralCelestial CathedralHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout20 Variations
Celestial TreeCelestial TreeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Chained Combat Arena Hideout DecorationFile:Chained Combat Arena Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngChained Combat Arena Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Turns a section of your hideout into a PVP arena.4 VariationsFile:Chained Combat Arena Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Challenger's Hideout StatueChallenger's Hideout StatueHideout ItemAwarded for 4th to 10th Place in a March 2023 Group SSF Event3 VariationsShift click to unstack.
Champion's Hideout StatueChampion's Hideout StatueHideout ItemAwarded for 2nd Place in a March 2023 Group SSF Event3 VariationsShift click to unstack.
Chaotic Peddler's Rain Hideout DecorationFile:Chaotic Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngChaotic Peddler's Rain Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Completing a trade causes currency to rain from above.2 VariationsFile:Chaotic Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Chessboard Hideout DecorationChessboard Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Chinese Chessboard Hideout DecorationChinese Chessboard Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Corsair Building SuppliesCorsair Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout28 Variations
Coursing AzuriteCoursing AzuriteHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Coursing BloodCoursing BloodHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Coursing Celestial RiverCoursing Celestial RiverHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Coursing LavaCoursing LavaHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Coursing RiverCoursing RiverHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Dark FireworkDark FireworkHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Dark Mural TileDark Mural TileHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Dark Oriath StatueDark Oriath StatueHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Darkshard Building SuppliesDarkshard Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout16 Variations
Darkshard CuriosDarkshard CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout14 Variations
Darkshard Environment EffectDarkshard Environment EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Deepwater Building SuppliesDeepwater Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout16 Variations
Deepwater CuriosDeepwater CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Deepwater Environmental EffectDeepwater Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Delirious Hideout DecorationDelirious Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Delve Entranceway Hideout DecorationFile:Delve Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngDelve Entranceway Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Creates an Entranceway to the Azurite Mines.File:Delve Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Demonic Building SuppliesDemonic Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout15 Variations
Demonic CuriosDemonic CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout17 Variations
Demonic Environmental EffectDemonic Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Display CabinetDisplay CabinetHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout33 Variations
Divergence Building SuppliesDivergence Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout18 Variations
Divergence CuriosDivergence CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout14 Variations
Divergence Environmental EffectDivergence Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Doomcrow Hideout EffectDoomcrow Hideout EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Elemancer's Totem Hideout DecorationFile:Elemancer's Totem Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngElemancer's Totem Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Augments the weather in your hideout, summoning thunderstorms, ash, or snow.3 VariationsFile:Elemancer's Totem Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
EnergizerEnergizerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout5 Variations
Energy DomeEnergy DomeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Exalted Peddler's Rain Hideout DecorationFile:Exalted Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngExalted Peddler's Rain Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Completing a trade causes currency to rain from above.2 VariationsFile:Exalted Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Falling LeavesFalling LeavesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Fetid Air ParticlesFetid Air ParticlesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Fire BricksFire BricksHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Fire GaleFire GaleHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
FirepitFirepitHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout13 Variations
FireplaceFireplaceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Fountain ObjectsFountain ObjectsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout30 Variations
Frozen Corpse PileFrozen Corpse PileHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Giant Whale SkeletonGiant Whale SkeletonHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Glow WormsGlow WormsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Golden Gargoyle StatueGolden Gargoyle StatueHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Grandmaster Hideout BannerGrandmaster Hideout BannerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Green CrystalGreen CrystalHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Green Proximity LightGreen Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Hallowed GraveHallowed GraveHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Harlequin Apparition Environment DecorationHarlequin Apparition Environment DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Harlequin Building SuppliesHarlequin Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout6 Variations
Harlequin SpectatorsHarlequin SpectatorsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Heart of the Grove Hideout DecorationHeart of the Grove Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. The sacred seedling grows based on how much lifeforce you funnel into your items. It also displays the total amount of lifeforce you have used, or used within a specific League.
Heritage Building SuppliesHeritage Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout28 Variations
Heritage CuriosHeritage CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout20 Variations
Heritage Environmental EffectHeritage Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Hunting Gate Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationFile:Hunting Gate Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngHunting Gate Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Hunting Gate Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Huntsman Building SuppliesHuntsman Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout20 Variations
Huntsman SporesHuntsman SporesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Huntsman TreeHuntsman TreeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Ice BricksIce BricksHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout5 Variations
Ice CrystalIce CrystalHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout5 Variations
Ice GaleIce GaleHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Ice SculptureIce SculptureHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Illusionist Sigil DecorationIllusionist Sigil DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 VariationsShift click to unstack.
Impaling SpikeImpaling SpikeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Incandescent FungusIncandescent FungusHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout25 Variations
Infernal ThroneInfernal ThroneHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Innocence CathedralInnocence CathedralHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Innocence SymbolInnocence SymbolHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Item Display CaseItem Display CaseHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Jack-o'-Lantern PatchJack-o'-Lantern PatchHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Journeyman Hideout BannerJourneyman Hideout BannerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Laboratory BenchesLaboratory BenchesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Laboratory Building SuppliesLaboratory Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout25 Variations
Laboratory Environment Hideout DecorationLaboratory Environment Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Labyrinth Entranceway Hideout DecorationFile:Labyrinth Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngLabyrinth Entranceway Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Creates an Entranceway to the Labyrinth.File:Labyrinth Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Legend's Hideout StatueLegend's Hideout StatueHideout ItemAwarded for 1st Place in a March 2023 Group SSF Event3 VariationsShift click to unstack.
Light Mural TileLight Mural TileHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Light Oriath StatueLight Oriath StatueHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Lightbringer Building SuppliesLightbringer Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout16 Variations
Lightbringer CuriosLightbringer CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout15 Variations
Lightbringer Environment EffectLightbringer Environment EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Lightning CoilLightning CoilHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Lucky DogLucky DogHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Madcap Building SuppliesMadcap Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Madcap SporesMadcap SporesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Madcap TreeMadcap TreeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Malachai HeartMalachai HeartHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
MannequinMannequinHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Master Hideout BannerMaster Hideout BannerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Misery Building SuppliesMisery Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout17 Variations
Misery CuriosMisery CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Misery Environmental EffectMisery Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Monster StatueFile:Monster Statue inventory icon.pngMonster StatueHideout ItemFile:Monster Statue inventory icon.png
Mysterious TreasureMysterious TreasureHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Mystic Building SuppliesMystic Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout6 Variations
Mystic CaveMystic CaveHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Mystic GlowwormsMystic GlowwormsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Nightfall Building SuppliesNightfall Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout21 Variations
Nightfall CrystalsNightfall CrystalsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout6 Variations
Nightfall Environmental EffectNightfall Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Orange Proximity LightOrange Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Oriath CitizenOriath CitizenHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Oriath Citizen CorpseOriath Citizen CorpseHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout15 Variations
Oriath FenceOriath FenceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout5 Variations
Oriath Sigil DecorationOriath Sigil DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriath WallOriath WallHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout5 Variations
Oriathian BishopOriathian BishopHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriathian CannonOriathian CannonHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriathian KingOriathian KingHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriathian KnightOriathian KnightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriathian PawnOriathian PawnHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriathian QueenOriathian QueenHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Oriathian RookOriathian RookHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Overseer Building SuppliesOverseer Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout20 Variations
Overseer CuriosOverseer CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout11 Variations
Overseer Environmental EffectOverseer Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Peddling VillagerFile:Peddling Villager inventory icon.pngPeddling VillagerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Peddling Villager inventory icon.png
Pink Proximity LightPink Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Plum BlossomPlum BlossomHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Pooled WaterPooled WaterHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Primordial BishopPrimordial BishopHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Primordial CannonPrimordial CannonHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Primordial KingPrimordial KingHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Primordial KnightPrimordial KnightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Primordial PawnPrimordial PawnHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Primordial QueenPrimordial QueenHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Primordial RookPrimordial RookHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
PumpkinsPumpkinsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Purple Proximity LightPurple Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
RainRainHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Red CrystalRed CrystalHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Red Proximity LightRed Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Rhoa DinnerRhoa DinnerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Rhoa FeastRhoa FeastHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Ringmaster Building SuppliesRingmaster Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout6 Variations
Ringmaster Fireworks Environment DecorationRingmaster Fireworks Environment DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout8 Variations
Ringmaster SpectatorsRingmaster SpectatorsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Rising Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationFile:Rising Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngRising Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Rising Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Sacred CowSacred CowHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Sacrificial ShrineSacrificial ShrineHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Sanctum Entranceway Hideout DecorationFile:Sanctum Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngSanctum Entranceway Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Creates an Entranceway to the Forbidden Sanctum.File:Sanctum Entranceway Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Scavenger Building SuppliesScavenger Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Scavenger CuriosScavenger CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Scavenger Environmental EffectScavenger Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Scourge Hideout DecorationScourge Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Shaper FragmentShaper FragmentHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Sin CathedralSin CathedralHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Sin SymbolSin SymbolHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Siren Building SuppliesSiren Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout17 Variations
Siren CuriosSiren CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Siren Environmental EffectSiren Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Sliding Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationFile:Sliding Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngSliding Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Sliding Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
SnowfallSnowfallHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
SnowmanSnowmanHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Solaris ThroneSolaris ThroneHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Stable ObjectsStable ObjectsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Steamchord Rune Hideout DecorationSteamchord Rune Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout13 Variations
Stone BustStone BustHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Strange Building SuppliesStrange Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Stygian Sigil DecorationStygian Sigil DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 VariationsShift click to unstack.
Suffering Building SuppliesSuffering Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout19 Variations
Suffering CuriosSuffering CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout9 Variations
Suffering Environmental EffectSuffering Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Sunrise Building SuppliesSunrise Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout27 Variations
Sunrise Environmental EffectSunrise Environmental EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Sunrise ObjectsSunrise ObjectsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout34 Variations
Sunspire Hideout EffectSunspire Hideout EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Temple Sigil DecorationTemple Sigil DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 VariationsShift click to unstack.
TransformerTransformerHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Transmuted Peddler's Rain Hideout DecorationFile:Transmuted Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngTransmuted Peddler's Rain Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Completing a trade causes currency to rain from above.2 VariationsFile:Transmuted Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Treasury CuriosTreasury CuriosHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout23 Variations
Trialmaster Hideout DecorationFile:Trialmaster Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngTrialmaster Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. The Trialmaster comments on your Chaos and Vaal crafting attempts, and keeps record of how many you've used in your Personal Hideout during the League, or across all Leagues.2 VariationsFile:Trialmaster Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Turquoise Proximity LightTurquoise Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Twisted Building SuppliesTwisted Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout25 Variations
Twisted Environment Hideout DecorationTwisted Environment Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout7 Variations
Twisted ExperimentsTwisted ExperimentsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout9 Variations
Undead CitizenUndead CitizenHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout12 Variations
Vaal PyramidVaal PyramidHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Vaal Sigil DecorationVaal Sigil DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Vaal VesselVaal VesselHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Vault Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationFile:Vault Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.pngVault Grand Entrance Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Vault Grand Entrance Hideout Decoration inventory icon.png
Verdant ThroneVerdant ThroneHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Victor's Hideout StatueVictor's Hideout StatueHideout ItemAwarded for 3rd Place in a March 2023 Group SSF Event3 VariationsShift click to unstack.
War TableWar TableHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout9 Variations
Wasteland BarricadeWasteland BarricadeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout17 Variations
Wasteland CampsiteWasteland CampsiteHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout13 Variations
Wasteland SandstormWasteland SandstormHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Water Elemental Hideout DecorationWater Elemental Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Weapon DisplayWeapon DisplayHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Well ObjectsWell ObjectsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout30 Variations
White Building SuppliesWhite Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout9 Variations
White CrystalWhite CrystalHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout11 Variations
White Environment Hideout DecorationWhite Environment Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
White FernWhite FernHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout27 Variations
White LightsWhite LightsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
White Proximity LightWhite Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
White StatueWhite StatueHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Wide Light BeamWide Light BeamHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Wild ShrineWild ShrineHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Wild TreeWild TreeHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout13 Variations
Wild Wind EffectWild Wind EffectHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Wisp SwarmWisp SwarmHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Woodland ObjectsWoodland ObjectsHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout36 Variations
Wrangler Building SuppliesWrangler Building SuppliesHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout19 Variations
Wrangler Gold RainWrangler Gold RainHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Wrangler PylonWrangler PylonHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Yellow Light BeamYellow Light BeamHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout10 Variations
Yellow Proximity LightYellow Proximity LightHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations

List of map devices

These can replace the default map device in hideouts.

Atzoatl Map DeviceFile:Atzoatl Map Device inventory icon.pngAtzoatl Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Atzoatl Map Device inventory icon.png
Belltower Map DeviceBelltower Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Bloodbark Evertree Map DeviceFile:Bloodbark Evertree Map Device inventory icon.pngBloodbark Evertree Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Keeps track of the number of White, Yellow, Red, and Tier 17 Maps you have completed.2 VariationsFile:Bloodbark Evertree Map Device inventory icon.png
Bronze Timekeeper's Map DeviceFile:Bronze Timekeeper's Map Device inventory icon.pngBronze Timekeeper's Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. This map device tracks how long you've been in an area.2 VariationsFile:Bronze Timekeeper's Map Device inventory icon.png
Cauldron Map DeviceFile:Cauldron Map Device inventory icon.pngCauldron Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. When placed in a personal hideout, it keeps track of how many Maps, Fragments and Scarabs have been placed into it.2 VariationsFile:Cauldron Map Device inventory icon.png
Celestial Enigma Map DeviceFile:Celestial Enigma Map Device inventory icon.pngCelestial Enigma Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Manipulate the cube to try solve it, or let it continuously scramble.File:Celestial Enigma Map Device inventory icon.png
Corrupted Growth Map DeviceFile:Corrupted Growth Map Device inventory icon.pngCorrupted Growth Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. The seed within this Map Device expands its grasp on your hideout the more maps you complete on your Atlas.File:Corrupted Growth Map Device inventory icon.png
Demonic Map DeviceDemonic Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Gold Timekeeper's Map DeviceFile:Gold Timekeeper's Map Device inventory icon.pngGold Timekeeper's Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. This map device tracks how long you've been in an area.2 VariationsFile:Gold Timekeeper's Map Device inventory icon.png
Magebloom Map DeviceMagebloom Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. This Map Device blossoms with greater intensity as you open higher tier Maps.
Magma Enigma Map DeviceFile:Magma Enigma Map Device inventory icon.pngMagma Enigma Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Manipulate the cube to try solve it, or let it continuously scramble.File:Magma Enigma Map Device inventory icon.png
Maven's Astrolabe Map DeviceMaven's Astrolabe Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Mercurial Serpent Map DeviceMercurial Serpent Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Miracle Map DeviceMiracle Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Night Lotus Evertree Map DeviceFile:Night Lotus Evertree Map Device inventory icon.pngNight Lotus Evertree Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Keeps track of the number of White, Yellow, Red, and Tier 17 Maps you have completed.2 VariationsFile:Night Lotus Evertree Map Device inventory icon.png
Sacrificial Map DeviceSacrificial Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Variations control the sacrifice frequency.6 Variations
Silver Timekeeper's Map DeviceFile:Silver Timekeeper's Map Device inventory icon.pngSilver Timekeeper's Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. This map device tracks how long you've been in an area.2 VariationsFile:Silver Timekeeper's Map Device inventory icon.png
Solar Map DeviceSolar Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout4 Variations
Synthesis Map DeviceSynthesis Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Verdant Evertree Map DeviceFile:Verdant Evertree Map Device inventory icon.pngVerdant Evertree Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Keeps track of the number of White, Yellow, Red, and Tier 17 Maps you have completed.2 VariationsFile:Verdant Evertree Map Device inventory icon.png
Void Serpent Map DeviceVoid Serpent Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Water Enigma Map DeviceFile:Water Enigma Map Device inventory icon.pngWater Enigma Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Manipulate the cube to try solve it, or let it continuously scramble.File:Water Enigma Map Device inventory icon.png
Wheel of Pain Map DeviceFile:Wheel of Pain Map Device inventory icon.pngWheel of Pain Map DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. Tracks how many monsters are slain of each rarity by players in your Maps. The second variation of this disables the ambient audio.2 VariationsFile:Wheel of Pain Map Device inventory icon.png

List of stashes

These can replace the default stash in hideouts.

Affliction Guild StashFile:Affliction Guild Stash inventory icon.pngAffliction Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Affliction Guild Stash inventory icon.png
Affliction StashFile:Affliction Stash inventory icon.pngAffliction StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Affliction Stash inventory icon.png
Ancestor Guild StashFile:Ancestor Guild Stash inventory icon.pngAncestor Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Ancestor Guild Stash inventory icon.png
Ancestor StashFile:Ancestor Stash inventory icon.pngAncestor StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Ancestor Stash inventory icon.png
Ancestral Guild StashAncestral Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Ancestral StashAncestral StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Apollyon Guild StashApollyon Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Apollyon StashApollyon StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Atlantis Guild StashAtlantis Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Atlantis StashAtlantis StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Crucible Guild StashCrucible Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Crucible StashCrucible StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations
Dragon's Currency Hoard Guild StashDragon's Currency Hoard Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. The hoard grows larger based on the contents of your stash tab with the Currency Affinity set, or the contents of your Currency Stash Tab.5 Variations
Dragon's Currency Hoard StashDragon's Currency Hoard StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout. The hoard grows larger based on the contents of your stash tab with the Currency Affinity set, or the contents of your Currency Stash Tab.5 Variations
Fairgraves Guild StashFairgraves Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Fairgraves StashFairgraves StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Harmony Guild StashHarmony Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Harmony StashHarmony StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Hoarder's Guild StashHoarder's Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Hoarder's StashHoarder's StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Kalandra Guild StashKalandra Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Kalandra StashKalandra StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Midnight Pact Guild StashMidnight Pact Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Midnight Pact StashMidnight Pact StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Necropolis Guild StashFile:Necropolis Guild Stash inventory icon.pngNecropolis Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Necropolis Guild Stash inventory icon.png
Necropolis StashFile:Necropolis Stash inventory icon.pngNecropolis StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutFile:Necropolis Stash inventory icon.png
Sanctum Guild StashSanctum Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Sanctum StashSanctum StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Sentinel Guild StashSentinel Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Sentinel StashSentinel StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Twilight Guild StashTwilight Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Twilight StashTwilight StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Warlord Guild StashWarlord Guild StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Warlord StashWarlord StashHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout

List of waypoints

These can replace the default waypoint in hideouts.

Darkshard Tinker's WaypointDarkshard Tinker's WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Demonic WaypointDemonic WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Divine Orb WaypointDivine Orb WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideoutShift click to unstack.
Divine Tinker's WaypointDivine Tinker's WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Scientist Tinker's WaypointScientist Tinker's WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Stormcaller Tinker's WaypointStormcaller Tinker's WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Stygian WaypointStygian WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Synthesis WaypointSynthesis WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout3 Variations
Thaumaturgy Tinker's WaypointThaumaturgy Tinker's WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Verdant Tinker's WaypointVerdant Tinker's WaypointHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout

List of crafting stations

These can replace the default crafting bench or other crafting stations in hideouts.

Demonbound Crafting BenchDemonbound Crafting BenchHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Enchanter's Crafting Bench Hideout DecorationEnchanter's Crafting Bench Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout
Kalguuran Forgemaster Station Hideout DecorationKalguuran Forgemaster Station Hideout DecorationHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Master Level and Favour systems have been removed entirely.
  • You now have unlimited access to a range of Hideout Decorations through the Decorations Tab in both Personal and Guild Hideouts (excluding purchased Microtransaction Hideout Decorations).
  • We've added a "Tag" search system for Hideout Decorations which can be used in addition to the existing search field to quickly locate specific Decorations.
  • Decoration now cost less favour to purchase.[1]
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Path of Exile (March 12, 2020). "We want to make designing amazing hideouts even easier in Path of Exile". Twitter. Retrieved December 7, 2020.

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Master Level and Favour systems have been removed entirely.
  • You now have unlimited access to a range of Hideout Decorations through the Decorations Tab in both Personal and Guild Hideouts (excluding purchased Microtransaction Hideout Decorations).
  • We've added a "Tag" search system for Hideout Decorations which can be used in addition to the existing search field to quickly locate specific Decorations.
  • Decoration now cost less favour to purchase.[1]
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Path of Exile (March 12, 2020). "We want to make designing amazing hideouts even easier in Path of Exile". Twitter. Retrieved December 7, 2020.