Guide:Frequently asked questions

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This page is intended to provide useful information not covered in the official FAQ or the first post of the new player forum thread. Global chat tends to see the same questions repeated, so feel free to direct people here and add questions/answers of your own. (Make sure your information is correct!)


How do I link items in chat?

Ctrl-Alt-Click (If the chat window isn't open already, this will open it)

What's the shortcut to reply to whispers?


Chat commands

/itemlevel displays the item level of an item held by the cursor
/ladder shows the top ten characters on the current ladder
/played displays how long you have played the current character
/age displays how long ago you created the current character
/deaths displays how many times the current character has died
/destroy deletes an item held by the cursor
/bug reports a bug and gives you the report reference number
/passives displays how many skill points you have earned
/whois displays a character's level, class, location, and whether they are currently online.
/ignore adds someone to your ignore list
/unignore removes someone from your ignore list
/clear_ignore_list removes everyone from your ignore list
/invite invites someone to your party
/friend sends a friend invitation to someone


Can you link multiples of one support gem to a skill?

Yes, but they don't stack. Only the highest level gem will take effect.

Can a support gem affect more than one skill?

Yes, it affects every skill in the link.

Does this support work with this skill?

As a general rule, the keywords of the support gem need to be included in the skill gem. (Keywords are the category words near the top of the mouseover description, such as "Attack" or "Projectile".) Exceptions are the words "Fire", "Cold", "Lightning", and "Chaos"; supports like Added Fire Damage affect any damage-dealing skill. "Bow" is also equivalent to "Projectile". Below are answers to common questions:


How do I quickly move items between inventory, stash, and vendor screens?


How can I check frame rate/latency/etc?

Press F1