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Matlab scripts
Experience Penalty. Last updated: 2016-09-02

%% Experience Penalty
% The player also suffers a penalty to XP if the player is too far above 
% or below the monster's level. 
home, clear all, close all
%% Input
PlayerLevel     = 1:100; %[30, 10];
MonsterLevel    = 1:90;

%% Calculations
% Create a repeated matrix:
mPlayerLevel = repmat(PlayerLevel, length(MonsterLevel), 1);
mMonsterLevel = repmat(MonsterLevel, length(PlayerLevel), 1)';

% Minimum amount of experience penalty:
minEXPMulti = 0.01;

% There's a safe zone between player level and monster level where no 
% experience penalty is applied:
SafeZone = floor(3 + mPlayerLevel/16);

% Any additional level difference in excess of this safe range is the
% effective level difference:
EffectiveDifference = max(abs(mPlayerLevel - mMonsterLevel) - SafeZone, 0);
% If the effective difference is negative that implies the player is inside
% the safe zone. Therefore only values =>0 are relevant. 

% If the player level is outside the safe zone a multiplier on monsters 
% experience takes effect, reducing the amount. There are two penalties, 
% one at lower levels and one at higher levels. 

% Low levels:
XPMultiplier_Low = ((mPlayerLevel + 5) ./ (mPlayerLevel + 5 + EffectiveDifference.^2.5)).^1.5;
% High Levels:
LevelThreshold = 95;
BoolHighPenalty = mPlayerLevel >= LevelThreshold;
XPMultiplier_High = (1 - 1 ./ (1 + 0.1 * (mPlayerLevel - 94))) .* BoolHighPenalty;
XPMultiplier_High(isnan(XPMultiplier_High)) = 0;

% Total penalty:
XPMultiplier_Tot = max(XPMultiplier_Low .* (1 - XPMultiplier_High), minEXPMulti);

%% Contour plot
figure('position', [500, 500, 1100, 600])
[C,h] = contourf(mPlayerLevel, mMonsterLevel, XPMultiplier_Tot);
ticks = 5;
h = colorbar;
h.Limits = [0.01 1];
grid minor
shading interp
title('Experience Penalty')
xlabel('Player Level')
ylabel('Monster Level')
% zlabel('Experience efficiency')
ylabel(h,'Experience Efficiency');
%% Party play
% Parties with different character levels will gain different amount of
% experience according to:
PercentualShare = (PlayerLevel + 10).^2.71 ./ sum((PlayerLevel + 10).^2.71,2);

Chance to hit and avoid attacks. Last updated: 2015-12-10

%% Chance to hit and avoid attacks.
close all, clear all, home 
set(0,'DefaultFigureWindowStyle', 'docked');

% Sources:

%% Input
step = 100;
evasionRating = linspace(0, 50000, step);
attackerAccuracy = linspace(0, 4000, step);
chanceToDodge = 0;

%% Calculations
% Create a Mesh grid to be able to do contour plots:
[evasionRatingMesh, attackerAccuracyMesh] = meshgrid(evasionRating, attackerAccuracy);

% Chance to hit is a function if accuracy and evasion rating:
chanceToHit = min(max( attackerAccuracyMesh ./ (attackerAccuracyMesh + (evasionRatingMesh/4).^0.8), 0.05) , 0.95);

% Chance to avoid hits
chanceToAvoidHit = 1 - chanceToHit*(1-chanceToDodge);

%% Contour plot
% Chance to avoid hit contour plot
[C,h] = contourf(evasionRatingMesh,attackerAccuracyMesh,chanceToAvoidHit*100);
% clabel(C,h,'manual')
h = colorbar;
h.Limits = [5 95];
grid minor
shading interp
title('Chance to avoid enemy attacks')
xlabel('Defender''s Evasion Rating')
ylabel('Attacker''s Accuracy Rating')
ylabel(h,'Chance to avoid hit [%]');

% Chance to hit contour plot
[C,h] = contourf(attackerAccuracyMesh,evasionRatingMesh, chanceToHit*100);
h = colorbar;
h.Limits = [5 95];
grid minor
shading interp
title('Chance to hit enemy')
xlabel('Attacker''s Accuracy Rating')
ylabel('Defender''s Evasion Rating')
% zlabel('Experience efficiency')
ylabel(h,'Chance to hit [%]');

Armour Reduction. Last updated: 2015-12-10

%% Armour Reduction 
close all, clear all, home

% Sources:

%% Input
step = 100;
Armour = linspace(0, 50000, step);
Damage = linspace(0, 10000, step);
%% Calculations
% Create a Mesh grid to be able to do contour plots:
[ArmourMesh, DamageMesh] = meshgrid(Armour, Damage);

Damage_Reduction_FactorMesh = ArmourMesh ./ (ArmourMesh + 10 * DamageMesh);

%% Contour plot
% [C,h] = contourf(ArmourMesh,DamageMesh,Damage_Reduction_FactorMesh*100);
[C,h] = contour(ArmourMesh,Damage_Reduction_FactorMesh*100,DamageMesh, ...
    [100:200:600, 1000:500:2000, 3000:1000:6000, 8000:2000:10000]);
clabel(C,h, 'labelspacing',700);
h = colorbar;
% h.Limits = [0.01 1];
grid minor
shading interp
ylim([0 90])
title('Physical Damage Reduction when Hit')
xlabel('Armour Rating')
ylabel('#% additional Physical Damage Reduction when Hit')
ylabel(h,'Raw Physical Damage');

Plot Energy shield recharge. Last updated: 2015-12-10

%% Plot Energy shield recharge
close all, clear all, home

% Sources:

%% Inputs
r = 0:300;
BaseStart = 2;

%% Calculations
ESStartTime = BaseStart * 100./(100 + r);

%% Plot 
plot(r, ESStartTime)
title('Start of Energy Shield Recharge')
xlabel('#% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge')
ylabel('Start time of Energy Shield Recharge [s]')
grid on

Leech Mechanics. Last updated: 2017-01-01

%% Leech mechanics for Path of Exile
% This script analyses how the leech rate changes with increasing number of
% enemies and number of hits on the enemy. 
close all, clear all, home
set(0,'DefaultFigureWindowStyle', 'docked');

%% Input
hp              = 5000;                 % Maximum Life/Mana.
l               = 0.05;                 % Damage Leeched as Life/Mana.
m               = 2.50;                 % increased Life/Mana Leeched per second.
m_max           = 0.15;                 % of maximum Life/Mana per second to 
                                        % maximum Life/Mana Leech rate.

% Damage values from the hit:
damage          = 500000/12;            % Damage dealt.
attacksPerSec   = 12;                   % Attacks per Second.
mobsPerAttack   = 1;                    % Enemies hit by one attack.
numberOfAttacks = 7;                    % Number of attacks done to enemies.
% The time when the attack started:
attackTime      = 0:1/attacksPerSec:(numberOfAttacks - 1)/attacksPerSec;  
% The time when the attack hit the target(s):
hitTime         = kron(attackTime, ones(1,mobsPerAttack));
q               = 0.02;                 % Base Leech Rate.          
q_max           = 0.20;                 % Base Maximum Leech Rate.
steps           = 1000;                 % Number of steps.

%% Calculations
% Maximum recovery rate:
recovery_rate_max = (q_max + m_max) * hp;

% Leech duration:
duration_i = floor(damage * l) / (hp *q) .* ones(1, length(hitTime));

% Total allowed leech instance to not exceed the maximum recovery rate:
n_tot = (q_max + m_max) / (q * (1 + m));

% Maximum analysis time:
maxTime = hitTime(end) + duration_i(end);    

% Time between each step:
dt = (maxTime-0)/steps;

% Repeat vectors:
t               = 0:dt:maxTime;
tRep            = repmat(t, length(hitTime), 1);
instanceRep     = repmat((1:length(hitTime))', 1, length(t));
AttackTimeRep   = repmat(hitTime', 1, length(t));
durationRep     = repmat(duration_i', 1, length(t));

% Boolean conditions to check if there have been an enemy hit and if
% the leeched ife is lower than the total amount of life leeched.
boolHitStart   = tRep >= AttackTimeRep;
boolLeechEnd   = tRep < AttackTimeRep + durationRep;
BoolLeechEndVP = tRep <= AttackTimeRep + dt*0.99; 

% Both of the above conditions must be true for leech to occur:
boolLeech      = (boolHitStart .* boolLeechEnd);
boolLeechVP    = (boolHitStart .* BoolLeechEndVP);

% Base Recovery Rate for each leech instance:
recovery_rate_i = hp * q * (1 + m) .* boolLeech;

% Each active leech instance:
leechInstance =  instanceRep .* boolLeech;

% Base Recovery Rate summarized for all the leech instances:
recovery_rate_sum = sum(recovery_rate_i,1);

% Check that r_sum is not greater than r_max:
boolLimit = recovery_rate_sum >= recovery_rate_max;
recovery_rate_sum = recovery_rate_max .* boolLimit ...
    + recovery_rate_sum .*(~boolLimit);

% Pre-load for for-loop:
hp_recovered_i = zeros(length(hitTime), length(t));
hp_recovered_tot = zeros(1, length(t));
hp_recovered_totVP = zeros(1, length(t));

for i = 1:length(t)-1;
    % HP restored from each leech instance, this is used to check
    % when each leech instance is finished:
    hp_recovered_i(:,i+1) =  q * hp .* boolLeech(:,i) * dt ... 
        + hp_recovered_i(:,i);
    % Total HP restored from all the leech instances:
    hp_recovered_tot(:,i+1) =  recovery_rate_sum(:,i) * dt ...
        + hp_recovered_tot(:,i);
    % Vaal Pact restores life instanteously:
    hp_recovered_totVP(:,i+1) =  damage * l .* sum(boolLeechVP(:,i),1) ...
        + hp_recovered_totVP(:,i);

%% Plot 
leechInstance(leechInstance == 0) = NaN; % Remove zeros from plot.
fig(1) = subplot(3,1,1);
colororder = get(gca,'colororder');
plot(t, leechInstance, 'Color', colororder(1,:));
% set(gca, 'YTick', 0:length(hitTime)); % Show integers only.
ylim([0 length(hitTime)+0.5]);
xlim([0 maxTime]);
xlabel('Time, t, [s]');
ylabel('Leech instance');
title('Leech instance');
for i = 1:length(hitTime);
    hold on
    % Find the start and end point of each instance and mark it:
    [rowStart, colStart]   = find(~isnan(leechInstance(i,:)), 1, 'first');
    [rowEnd,   colEnd]     = find(~isnan(leechInstance(i,:)), 1, 'last');
    plot(t(colStart), leechInstance(i, colStart), 'b.', ...
         t(colEnd),   leechInstance(i, colEnd),'bx', ...
         t(colStart),   leechInstance(i, colStart),'ro');
     % Vaal Pact Start and End:
    plot(t(colStart),   leechInstance(i, colStart),'ro');     

fig(2) = subplot(3,1,2);
[ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(t, recovery_rate_sum, t, recovery_rate_sum/hp);
NumberOfTicks = 4;
set(ax(1),   'ycolor', 'black', ...          % Change right axis color to black
            'YTick', 0:recovery_rate_max/NumberOfTicks:recovery_rate_max);
set(ax(2),   'ycolor', 'black', ...          % Change left axis color to black
            'YTick', 0:(q_max+m_max)/NumberOfTicks:(q_max+m_max));  %
ylim(ax(1), [0 recovery_rate_max]);
ylim(ax(2), [0 q_max+m_max]);
xlim([0 maxTime]);
xlabel('Time, t, [s]');
ylabel(ax(1), 'Recovery rate [HP/s]'); 
ylabel(ax(2), 'Base Rate [HP/(max hp * s)]'); 
title('Leech Rate');

fig(3) = subplot(3,1,3);
plot(t, hp_recovered_tot, 'b', t, hp_recovered_totVP, 'r-.');
ylim([0 inf]);
xlim([0 maxTime]);
xlabel('Time, t, [s]');
ylabel('HP recovered, [HP]');
title('HP recovered from leech');
legend('Recovery rate','Instantenous leech', 'Location','SouthEast')

Tab wide buyout creator. Last updated: 2016-03-08

%% Tab wide buyout creator
home; close all; clear all; 
% This script will create spoiler tab buyouts for use in shop
% templates, for example in Procurement or Acquisition Plus. 

%% Input
% File name to save the template to:
fileName = 'Shop.txt';

% Price vector:
minPrice = 0;    priceIncrease = 0.5;  maxPrice = 100;
prices = minPrice:priceIncrease:maxPrice;

% Define the name of spoiler and its stash name:
%   First column: Name of spoiler tag, can be Currency format, ilvl... 
%   Second column: Shorthand stash name.
currency = {
    'mirror',   'mirror',   prices;
    'exa',      'ex',       prices;
    'divine',   'divine',   prices;
    'gcp',      'gcp',      prices;
    'regal',    'regal',    prices;
    'regret',   'regret',   prices;
    'chaos',    'c',        prices;
    'blessed',  'blessed',  prices;
    'scour',    'scour',    prices;
    'alchemy',  'alch',     prices;
    'fuse',     'fuse',     prices;
    'chisel',   'chis',     prices;
    'chance',   'chance',   prices;
    'jewel',    'jew',      prices;
    'alt',      'alt',      prices;
    'chrom',    'chrom',    prices;
    'vaal',     'vaal',     prices;
    'coin',     'coin',     0:10:30000;
tag = '~b/o';

%% Print Shop
% Open/create file to write:
fileID = fopen(fileName,'w');

% Create buyouts for all the defined currencies in Currency:
for currencyType = 1:length(currency(:, 1))
    % Create spoiler buyouts for that particular currency type, 
    % value according to Prices at the following form:
    for i = 1:length(currency{currencyType, 3}(1,:));
        % For Procurement or pre-0.4 Acquisition Plus:
        % [spoiler="~b/o 2.5 mirror"]
        % {Stash:2.5mirror|include.ignored}
        % [/spoiler]
%         fprintf(fileID,'[spoiler="~b/o %g ', prices(i)); fprintf(fileID,currency{type,1}); fprintf(fileID,'"]');
%         fprintf(fileID,'\n{Stash:%g', prices(i)); fprintf(fileID,currency{type,2}); fprintf(fileID,'|include.ignored}');
%         fprintf(fileID,'\n[/spoiler]');
%         fprintf(fileID,'\n');
        % For 0.4+ Acquisition plus:
        % {Stash:1c|include.ignored|wrap|header:~b/o 1 chaos}
        fprintf(fileID,'{Stash:%g', currency{currencyType, 3}(1,i)); fprintf(fileID, currency{currencyType,2}); 
        fprintf(fileID,'|include.ignored|wrap'); fprintf(fileID, '|header:'); 
        fprintf(fileID, tag); fprintf(fileID, ' %g ', currency{currencyType, 3}(1,i));
        fprintf(fileID, currency{currencyType,1}); fprintf(fileID, '}');
%         fprintf(fileID,'\n');

% Close the written file:

Lucky vs. Normal rolls. Last updated: 2016-04-29
%% Lucky vs. normal rolls
close all, clear all, home

%% Calculations

% Chance to crit on the first roll:
A = 0:1/100:1;

% Chance to NOT crit on the first roll:
B = 1 - A;

% Chance to crit on the second roll:
C = B .* A;

% Chance to NOT crit on the second roll:
D = B .* B;

% The probability to get a lucky critical strike is the sum of A and C:
LuckyCritChance = min(A + C, 1);

%% Plot
plot(100*A,100*A, 100*A,100*LuckyCritChance,'-.');
ylim(100*[0 1])
xlim(100*[0 max(A)])
title('Lucky vs. Normal rolls')
legend('Default chance roll', 'Lucky chance roll', 'Location', 'Southeast')

