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NameHerald of Agony
Skill IdHeraldOfAgony
Cast TimeInstant
Level Req.(16-100)
Reservation25% mana
Attack Speed100% of base
Attack Damage100% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage100%
Stored Uses1
Cooldown1.00 sec
Grants a buff giving more poison damage and a chance to inflict poison. When you poison an enemy while you have this buff, you gain Virulence, and summon an Agony Crawler minion that uses projectile and area attacks. You will lose Virulence over time, at a rate which increases the more Virulence you have. The minion will die when you have no Virulence.
Maximum 1 Summoned Agony Crawler
Buff grants 20% chance to Poison on Hit
Grants Virulence when you Poison an Enemy
Buff grants 10% more Damage with Poison
40 Maximum Virulence
Minions cannot Taunt Enemies
Agony Crawler has (2-4)% increased Attack Speed per Virulence you have
Agony Crawler deals (5-9)% increased Physical Damage per Virulence you have
Agony Crawler has (1-45) to (3-84) Added Physical Damage per Virulence you have

HeraldOfAgony is the internal id of the skill Herald of Agony.