1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | 2021-01-06 7:12:58 PM |
_modificationDate | Datetime | 2023-12-02 12:29:45 AM |
_creator | String | >Aang531 |
_categories | List of String, delimiter: | | |
_isRedirect | Boolean | No |
_pageNameOrRedirect | String | Replica Loreweave |
_pageID | Integer | 13,681 |
_pageName | Page | Replica Loreweave |
_pageTitle | String | Replica Loreweave
_pageNamespace | Integer | 0 |
10 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | AddedPhysicalDamageUnique__6_ |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | CriticalStrikeChanceUnique__4_ |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | LocalIncreasedEnergyShieldUnique__30__ |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | IncreasedLifeUnique__106_ |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | ItemFoundRarityIncreaseUnique__3 |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | ElementalDamagePercentUnique__1 |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
Field | Field type | Value |
id | String | MaximumResistancesOverrideUnique__2 |
is_explicit | Boolean | Yes |
is_implicit | Boolean | No |
is_map_fragment_bonus | Boolean | No |
is_random | Boolean | No |
text | Text | |
2 rows are stored for this page
11 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 16 |
id | String | additional_all_attributes |
max | Integer | 24 |
min | Integer | 8 |
mod_id | String | AllAttributesUnique__6 |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 25 |
id | String | attack_maximum_added_physical_damage |
max | Integer | 36 |
min | Integer | 14 |
mod_id | String | AddedPhysicalDamageUnique__6_ |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 140 |
id | String | critical_strike_chance_+% |
max | Integer | 160 |
min | Integer | 120 |
mod_id | String | CriticalStrikeChanceUnique__4_ |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 175 |
id | String | local_energy_shield |
max | Integer | 200 |
min | Integer | 150 |
mod_id | String | LocalIncreasedEnergyShieldUnique__30__ |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 18 |
id | String | base_item_found_rarity_+% |
max | Integer | 30 |
min | Integer | 6 |
mod_id | String | ItemFoundRarityIncreaseUnique__3 |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 140 |
id | String | base_maximum_life |
max | Integer | 160 |
min | Integer | 120 |
mod_id | String | IncreasedLifeUnique__106_ |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 7 |
id | String | attack_minimum_added_physical_damage |
max | Integer | 10 |
min | Integer | 4 |
mod_id | String | AddedPhysicalDamageUnique__6_ |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 71 |
id | String | override_maximum_damage_resistance_% |
max | Integer | 72 |
min | Integer | 70 |
mod_id | String | MaximumResistancesOverrideUnique__2 |
Field | Field type | Value |
avg | Integer | 33 |
id | String | elemental_damage_+% |
max | Integer | 50 |
min | Integer | 15 |
mod_id | String | ElementalDamagePercentUnique__1 |
2 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
automatic | Boolean | Yes |
description | Text | Random <em class="tc -unique ">replica item</em> |
recipe_id | Integer | 1 |
result_amount | Integer | 1 |
Field | Field type | Value |
automatic | Boolean | Yes |
description | Text | Random divination card set exchange |
recipe_id | Integer | 2 |
result_amount | Integer | 1 |
2 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
amount | Integer | 6 |
item_id | String | Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardTheForwardGaze |
item_name | String | The Forward Gaze |
item_page | Page | The Forward Gaze |
notes | Text | |
part_id | Integer | 1 |
recipe_id | Integer | 1 |
Field | Field type | Value |
amount | Integer | 1 |
item_id | String | Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardTheVoid |
item_name | String | The Void |
item_page | Page | The Void |
notes | Text | |
part_id | Integer | 1 |
recipe_id | Integer | 2 |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
acquisition_tags | List of String, delimiter: , | |
alternate_art_inventory_icons | List of String, delimiter: , | |
base_item | String | Elegant Ringmail |
base_item_id | String | Metadata/Items/Armours/BodyArmours/BodyStrInt15 |
base_item_page | Page | Elegant Ringmail |
cannot_be_traded_or_modified | Boolean | No |
class | String | Body Armour |
class_id | String | Body Armour |
description | Text | |
drop_areas | List of String, delimiter: , | |
drop_areas_html | Text | |
drop_enabled | Boolean | Yes |
drop_level | Integer | |
drop_level_maximum | Integer | |
drop_monsters | List of Text, delimiter: , | |
drop_rarity_ids | List of String, delimiter: , | |
drop_text | Text | Replicas can be obtained from [[Curio Display]]s in the final reward rooms of any [[Grand Heist]]. |
explicit_stat_text | Text | Has 6 [[Item socket|Sockets]]<br>+(8-24) to all Attributes<br>Adds (4-10) to (14-36) [[Physical Damage]] to [[Attack|Attacks]]<br>(120-160)% increased Global [[Critical Strike Chance]]<br>+(150-200) to maximum [[Energy Shield]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Life]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Mana]]<br>(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found<br>(15-50)% increased [[Elemental Damage]]<br>Your Maximum Resistances are (70-72)% |
flavour_text | Text | "Better... stronger... more vital... and then... failure. Always, failure.<br>What key fundamental secret are we missing?" |
flavour_text_id | String | |
frame_type | String | unique |
help_text | Text | |
html | Text | <span class="item-box -unique"><span class="header -double"><span class="symbol -replica"></span>Replica Loreweave<br>Elegant Ringmail<span class="symbol -replica"></span></span><span class="item-stats"><span class="group ">Armour: <em class="tc -value ">(377-433)</em><br>Energy Shield: <em class="tc -mod ">(242-305)</em><br>Movement Speed: <em class="tc -value ">-5%</em></span><span class="group ">Requires Level <em class="tc -value ">64</em>, <em class="tc -value ">90</em> Str, <em class="tc -value ">105</em> Int</span><span class="group tc -mod">Has 6 [[Item socket|Sockets]]<br>+(8-24) to all Attributes<br>Adds (4-10) to (14-36) [[Physical Damage]] to [[Attack|Attacks]]<br>(120-160)% increased Global [[Critical Strike Chance]]<br>+(150-200) to maximum [[Energy Shield]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Life]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Mana]]<br>(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found<br>(15-50)% increased [[Elemental Damage]]<br>Your Maximum Resistances are (70-72)%</span><span class="group tc -flavour">"Better... stronger... more vital... and then... failure. Always, failure.<br>What key fundamental secret are we missing?"</span></span></span> |
implicit_stat_text | Text | |
influences | List of String, delimiter: , | |
infobox_html | Text | <span class="item-box -unique"><span class="header -double"><span class="symbol -replica"></span>Replica Loreweave<br>Elegant Ringmail<span class="symbol -replica"></span></span><span class="item-stats"><span class="group ">Armour: <em class="tc -value ">(377-433)</em><br>Energy Shield: <em class="tc -mod ">(242-305)</em><br>Movement Speed: <em class="tc -value ">-5%</em></span><span class="group ">Requires Level <em class="tc -value ">64</em>, <em class="tc -value ">90</em> Str, <em class="tc -value ">105</em> Int</span><span class="group tc -mod">Has 6 [[Item socket|Sockets]]<br>+(8-24) to all Attributes<br>Adds (4-10) to (14-36) [[Physical Damage]] to [[Attack|Attacks]]<br>(120-160)% increased Global [[Critical Strike Chance]]<br>+(150-200) to maximum [[Energy Shield]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Life]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Mana]]<br>(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found<br>(15-50)% increased [[Elemental Damage]]<br>Your Maximum Resistances are (70-72)%</span><span class="group tc -flavour">"Better... stronger... more vital... and then... failure. Always, failure.<br>What key fundamental secret are we missing?"</span></span><span class="images">[[File:Replica Loreweave inventory icon.png|156x234px]]</span></span> |
inventory_icon | String | File:Replica Loreweave inventory icon.png |
is_account_bound | Boolean | No |
is_corrupted | Boolean | No |
is_drop_restricted | Boolean | Yes |
is_eater_of_worlds_item | Boolean | No |
is_fractured | Boolean | No |
is_in_game | Boolean | Yes |
is_replica | Boolean | Yes |
is_searing_exarch_item | Boolean | No |
is_synthesised | Boolean | No |
is_unmodifiable | Boolean | No |
is_veiled | Boolean | No |
metabox_html | Text | <div class="item-box -unique"><span class="item-stats"><span class="group "><em class="header">Acquisition</em><br><span class="infobox-restricted-drop">[[Drop-restricted item|Drop restricted]]</span><br>Replicas can be obtained from [[Curio Display]]s in the final reward rooms of any [[Grand Heist]].</span><span class="group "><em class="header"><abbr title="Offer given by an NPC vendor in exchange for this item when it is not used in a vendor recipe">Vendor Offer</abbr></em><br>12x [[Alchemy Shard]]<br />21x [[Alteration Shard]]</span><span class="group "><em class="header">Metadata</em><br>Item class: <em class="tc -value ">Body Armour</em></span></span></div> |
metadata_id | String | |
name | String | Replica Loreweave |
name_list | List of String, delimiter: � | Replica Loreweave |
quality | Integer | 0 |
rarity | String | Unique |
rarity_id | String | unique |
release_version | String | 3.12.0 |
removal_version | String | |
required_dexterity | Integer | 0 |
required_dexterity_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">0</em> |
required_dexterity_range_average | Integer | 0 |
required_dexterity_range_colour | String | value |
required_dexterity_range_maximum | Integer | 0 |
required_dexterity_range_minimum | Integer | 0 |
required_dexterity_range_text | String | 0 |
required_intelligence | Integer | 105 |
required_intelligence_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">105</em> |
required_intelligence_range_average | Integer | 105 |
required_intelligence_range_colour | String | value |
required_intelligence_range_maximum | Integer | 105 |
required_intelligence_range_minimum | Integer | 105 |
required_intelligence_range_text | String | 105 |
required_level | Integer | 64 |
required_level_base | Integer | 64 |
required_level_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">64</em> |
required_level_range_average | Integer | 64 |
required_level_range_colour | String | value |
required_level_range_maximum | Integer | 64 |
required_level_range_minimum | Integer | 64 |
required_level_range_text | String | 64 |
required_strength | Integer | 90 |
required_strength_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">90</em> |
required_strength_range_average | Integer | 90 |
required_strength_range_colour | String | value |
required_strength_range_maximum | Integer | 90 |
required_strength_range_minimum | Integer | 90 |
required_strength_range_text | String | 90 |
size_x | Integer | 2 |
size_y | Integer | 3 |
stat_text | Text | Has 6 [[Item socket|Sockets]]<br>+(8-24) to all Attributes<br>Adds (4-10) to (14-36) [[Physical Damage]] to [[Attack|Attacks]]<br>(120-160)% increased Global [[Critical Strike Chance]]<br>+(150-200) to maximum [[Energy Shield]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Life]]<br>+(120-160) to maximum [[Mana]]<br>(6-30)% increased Rarity of Items found<br>(15-50)% increased [[Elemental Damage]]<br>Your Maximum Resistances are (70-72)% |
tags | List of String, delimiter: , | str_int_armour • top_tier_base_item_type • body_armour • armour • default |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
armour_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">(377-433)</em> |
armour_max | Integer | 433 |
armour_min | Integer | 377 |
armour_range_average | Integer | 405 |
armour_range_colour | String | value |
armour_range_maximum | Integer | 433 |
armour_range_minimum | Integer | 377 |
armour_range_text | String | (377-433) |
energy_shield_html | Text | <em class="tc -mod ">(242-305)</em> |
energy_shield_max | Integer | 105 |
energy_shield_min | Integer | 92 |
energy_shield_range_average | Integer | 274 |
energy_shield_range_colour | String | mod |
energy_shield_range_maximum | Integer | 305 |
energy_shield_range_minimum | Integer | 242 |
energy_shield_range_text | String | (242-305) |
evasion_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">0</em> |
evasion_max | Integer | 0 |
evasion_min | Integer | 0 |
evasion_range_average | Integer | 0 |
evasion_range_colour | String | value |
evasion_range_maximum | Integer | 0 |
evasion_range_minimum | Integer | 0 |
evasion_range_text | String | 0 |
movement_speed | Integer | -5 |
ward_html | Text | <em class="tc -value ">0</em> |
ward_max | Integer | 0 |
ward_min | Integer | 0 |
ward_range_average | Integer | 0 |
ward_range_colour | String | value |
ward_range_maximum | Integer | 0 |
ward_range_minimum | Integer | 0 |
ward_range_text | String | 0 |