User talk:Hellcat5

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Revision as of 00:31, 26 July 2015 by >Hellcat5 (→‎Hellcat5 - My Reponse)
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There is over 300 item filters and we don't want main item filter wiki page to become into advertising page. Im asking you to stop advertise your filter/ or add more low popularity filters with your filter. I also own really popular item filter but as you can see it doesn't exist on the "popular filter list".

Best regards, Ziggy.

Hellcat5 - My Reponse

Dear Ziggy,

I'm not sure where you get your information to support that there's over 300 item filters. If you're going from the implication that since there's more than 300 intelligent Path of Exile players who could have created an item filter, then sure it's possible to have 300, even 3000. However, I don't see anywhere listed this amount shared with the community. I see eleven (11) filters listed at this "popular" item filter thread:

I could see a logic to "we don't want main item filter wiki page to become into advertising page." IF I were providing a link that was outside of the path of exile official forums. The four filters previously listed in the "popular item filters" are from the path of exile forums. If you take the view that any link provided, regardless of its merit, is an advertisement, then you've already gone against your own rule by posting these "popular" item filters. If, however, since those four "popular" filters are also from the poe forums, that means mine is as valid an entry. I created my filter because I don't like the other filters, and I'm sharing it with ALL. I did add in other filters to the section I recreated again, this time titled "other item filter options" and posted all those listed from the linked forum thread.

If you think you control a community based wiki, you're wrong. If you think I'm going to back down, back away, whatever, you're wrong. I'm passionate about helping players, and I'm not afraid to express it and fight over it with anyone. I'm still interested to know if you're ZiggyDStarcraft, or someone who's decided to use a name with Ziggy in it to draw attention to yourself, or perhaps your name is actually Ziggy, and you're not Ziggy from

You mention a popular filter. Which popular filter is yours Ziggy?