Guide:Listing items for sale using the Path of Exile trade forum

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This is a simple and fast tutorial to start publishing offer on

There are lots of tutorial and video that explains how to use lots of useless software to start publishing trade offers on

Actually, none of this is really requiered. But it's hard to find how to do without these software, because when you search how to do without, you only find these softwares.

Summary of mecanics

The site only read the official game forum, in the trading section. In posts on the forum, you can add data to tell what price you are selling an item. The forum also has a system to link item in your posts.

Every few minutes, look at your posts on the forum, and update what your buy/sell offers.

Creating the forum post

First, in the trading section, you should find the proper game mode and sell mode.

For exemple, most players will want to sell items they have, and are playing Softcore Prophecy. So they want to go to Standard Prophecy League - Selling There, they have to create a shop post. The title of the post does not mater.

In the text of post, you will want to link the item you want to sell. On the top left of the forum internet page, you should see your account and one of your character should be displayed. If you click on the picture of your character, you'll see your inventory, and you'll have access to your stash.

Click only one time on the item you want to sell. A code, looking like this one, will be copied to the text of your forum post:

[linkItem location="Stash2" league="Prophecy" x="5" y="0"]

If you preview your post, you'll see the item picture and proper link in your post.

Under the code that linked that item, you can put a code to tell what price you want to sell this item. For exemple, to sell it for 3 chaos orb, you just have to write:

~b/o 3 chaos

So in the end, in that exemple, your shop post text should be: [linkItem location="Stash2" league="Prophecy" x="5" y="0"] ~b/o 3 chaos

After that, you can let an empty line, and put other items for sale.

Once done, you just have to submit your post, and wait until finds it.

List of price codes

The full list and the full syntax is on:

Linking it to

You should not need to do anything. Just wait, and your offer will appear while searching for it, in the offline offers. Yes, for now, you will be dislayed as "offline".

Telling your online status

So that car see that you are online, you need to set one of your premium tab as "public" in the game.

Currency tabs are premium tabs. Setting one public will work.

Else, premium tab are the tabs whose color you can change.

If you did not buy any premium or currency tab, then, there is a solution using an external software. Acquisition is one of these external software.