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Regex, shorthand for Regular Expressions, are patterns shorthands that can be used to help filter content in text. In Path of Exile, they're used to help filter and search for items; helping to more easily narrow things down.

Below are some examples of regex you can copy paste into search input fields in game; There are tons more to explore.


6 Link

"sockets: ([rgbw]-){5}[rgbw]"

6 Socket

"sockets: ([rgbw][ -]){5}[rgbw]"

Item Level 1-78

"item level: ([1-9]$|[1-6][0-9]$|7[0-8])"

Item Level 80+

"item level: ([1-9]\d{2,}|[8-9]\d)"


"quality: \+([1-9][0-9])"

70+ Life


Chaos Recipe

"rare"|"item level: ([6][0-9]|[7][0-4])"

+1 Wand

"ll g"

Physical damage


Flat Elemental Damage


Flat Spell Damage

"e to Sp"

Increased Spell Damage




Intelligence Items


Dexterity Items


Strength Items

"^str" "!(^dex)"

Strength & Dexterity Items

str: dex:

Strength & Intelligence Items

dex: str:

Dexteroty & Intelligence Items

dex: int:

Show Maps

Common, potentially scary map mods players may want to avoid, depending on their build.

No Elemental Reflect

"!tal d"

No Physical Reflect

""!f ph""

No Cannot Regen


No Cannot Leech


Or some map mods players may desire:

Rare Monsters each have a Nemesis Mod X% more Rare Monsters


Slaying Enemies close together has a X% chance to attract monsters from Beyond


Area contains two Unique Bosses


Magic Monster Packs each have a Bloodline Mod X% more Magic Monsters


Slaying Enemies close together has a X% chance to attract monsters from Beyond


Maps with Favorable Juicing Affixes


40%+ Monster Pack Size

"yi|neme|two|packs|rog|tot" "iz.*([4-9]\d|\d{3})"

30 Monster Quantity+

"m q.*([3-9]\d|\d{3})"


Grants Immunity to Bleeding for # seconds if used while Bleeding Grants Immunity to Corrupted Blood for # seconds if used while affected by Corrupted Blood or Immunity to Bleeding and Corrupted Blood during Flask Effect #% less Duration

"g an|af"

Immunity to Poison during Flask Effect #% less Duration or Grants Immunity to Poison for # seconds if used while Poisoned

"n fo|on d"

Grants Immunity to Chill for # seconds if used while Chilled Grants Immunity to Freeze for # seconds if used while Frozen or Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask Effect #% less Duration

"ze a|l f"

Instant Recovery #% reduced Amount Recovered or Instant Recovery when on Low Life #% reduced Amount Recovered

"see|y w"


Gwennen Super Rare Unique Gambling: Items that could possibly result in rare Uniques such as Mageblood or Ashes of the Stars.

"der m|nt ro|fien|r be|vy b|int'|n j|amp|pid"

Gwennen Super Rare Unique Gambling - Belts Only. This covers Headhunter or Mageblood.

"r be|vy b"