
From Path of Exile Wiki
Revision as of 21:07, 22 March 2020 by >OmegaK2
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<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Fetching data...

<script type="text/javascript">{

const i18n = {

   missing_monster: 'No monster found with ',
   calculating: 'Calculating properties',
   query_error: 'A database query error has occured.',
   invalid_rarity: 'Rarity given is invalid. Only Normal, Magic, Rare and Unique are acceptable values.',
   invalid_difficulty: 'Difficulty given is invalid. Only part1, part2 and endgame are acceptable values.',
   invalid_level: 'Level given is not a number or outside of the valid range (1-100)',
   // (x to y)
   range: 'to',


let init_level = 0; const init_max = 3; const difficulties = {

   part1: 45,
   part2: 67,
   endgame: 100,


const difficulty_order = ['part1', 'part2', 'endgame'];

const rarities = {

   Normal: 0,
   Magic: 1,
   Rare: 2,
   Unique: 3,


const html_infobox = `

</thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Level <input type="number" name="level" min="1" max="100" value="1"/>
Rarity <select name="rarity">
                 <option value="Normal" selected>Normal</option>
                 <option value="Magic">Magic</option>
                 <option value="Rare">Rare</option>
                 <option value="Unique">Unique</option>
Is map monster? <input type="checkbox" name="is_map_monster" value="1" />
Is map boss? <input type="checkbox" name="is_map_boss" value="1" />
Is minion <input type="checkbox" name="is_minion" value="1" />
Difficuty <select name="difficulty">
                 <option value="part1" selected>Part 1</option>
                 <option value="part2">Part 2</option>
                 <option value="endgame">Endgame</option>
Tags ?
Metadata ID
Skills ?
Size ?
Minimum attack distance ?
Maximum attack distance ?
Experience ?
Life ?
Life ?
Accuracy ?
Armour ?
Evasion ?
Base Physical Damage ?
Base Attack Speed ?
Critical Strike Chance ?
Critical Strike Multiplier ?
Increased Rarity ?
Increased Quantity ?
? ? ? ?


</thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Stat Min Max


class Cargo {

   static _fail(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
   static _wrap_success(func) {
       return function(data) {
           data = data.cargoquery;
   static query (query, success, fail) {
       if (typeof fail === 'undefined') {
           fail = Cargo._fail;
       query.action = 'cargoquery';
       // Query size for normal users is limited to 500
       if (typeof query.limit === 'undefined' || (typeof query.limit === 'number' && query.limit > 500)) {
           query.limit = 500;
       if (Array.isArray(query.tables)) {
           query.tables = query.tables.join(', ');
       if (Array.isArray(query.fields)) {
           query.fields.forEach(function (value, index) {
               if (!value.includes('=')) {
                   query.fields[index] = `${value}=${value}`;
           query.fields = query.fields.join(', ');
       var mwa = new mw.Api();


class Util {

   static bool(value)  {
       switch(value) {
           case false:
           case 0:
           case 'disabled':
           case 'off':
           case 'no':
           case :
           case 'deactivated':
               return false;
           return true;


class StatCalculation {

   static added(values, value) {
       values.forEach(function (other) {
   static increased(values, value) {
       var multi = new Stat(, 0);
       values.forEach(function (inc) {
   static more(values, value) {
       values.forEach(function (multi) {
           var temp = multi.copy();
   static less(values, value) {
       values.forEach(function (multi) {
           var temp = multi.copy();
           // since it's less it's negative and subtracted from 1


class Stat {

   constructor(id, min, max) {
       this.id = id;
       this.min = min;
       if (typeof max === 'undefined') {
           max = min;
       this.max = max;
   copy() {
       return new Stat(this.id, this.min, this.max);
   str(func) {
       if (this.min == this.max) {
           if (typeof func === 'undefined') {
               return this.min;
           } else {
               return func(this.min);
       } else {
           var min;
           var max;
           if (typeof func === 'undefined') {
               min = this.min;
               max = this.max;
           } else {
               min = func(this.min);
               max = func(this.max);
           return `(${min} ${i18n.range} ${max})`;
   is_zero() {
       return (this.min == 0 && this.max == 0);
   _type_check(other, func_number, func_stat) {
       var t = typeof other;
       if (t === 'number') {
       } else if (t === 'object' && other.constructor.name == 'Stat') {
       } else {
           throw 'Stat arithmetric requires a stat object or number, got type "' + t + '"';
   add(other) {
           function(stat) {
               stat.min += other;
               stat.max += other;
           function(stat) {
               stat.min += other.min;
               stat.max += other.max;
   sub(other) {
           function(stat) {
               stat.min -= other;
               stat.max -= other;
           function(stat) {
               stat.min -= other.min;
               stat.max -= other.max;
   mult(other) {
           function(stat) {
               stat.min *= other;
               stat.max *= other;
           function(stat) {
               stat.min *= other.min;
               stat.max *= other.max;
   div(other) {
           function(stat) {
               stat.min /= other;
               stat.max /= other;
           function(stat) {
               stat.min /= other.min;
               stat.max /= other.max;


class Monster {

   constructor(metadata_id) {
       var controls = {
           level: {
               'var': ``,
               'default': 1,
               'type': 'input',
               'check': 'number',
               'func_update': this.update_level.bind(this),
               'func_validate': function (value) {
                   var level = Number(value);
                   if (level < 1 || level > 100) {
                       return -1;
                   return level;
           rarity: {
               'var': ``,
               'default': 'Normal',
               'type': 'select',
               'check': 'value',
               'func_update': this.update_rarity.bind(this),
               'func_validate': function (value) {
                   if (typeof rarities[value] === 'undefined') {
                       return -1;
                   return value;
           is_map_monster: {
               'var': ``,
               'default': false,
               'type': 'input',
               'check': 'checked',
               'func_update': this.update_is_map_monster.bind(this),
               'func_validate': function (value) {
                   return Util.bool(value);
           is_map_boss: {
               'var': ``,
               'default': false,
               'type': 'input',
               'check': 'checked',
               'func_update': this.update_is_map_boss.bind(this),
               'func_validate': function (value) {
                   return Util.bool(value);
           is_minion: {
               'var': ``,
               'default': false,
               'type': 'input',
               'check': 'checked',
               'func_update': this.update_is_minion.bind(this),
               'func_validate': function (value) {
                   return Util.bool(value);
           difficulty: {
               'var': ``,
               'default': 'part1',
               'type': 'select',
               'check': 'value',
               'func_update': this.update_difficulty.bind(this),
               'func_validate': function (value) {
                   if (typeof difficulties[value] === 'undefined') {
                       return -1;
                   return value;
       this.metadata_id = metadata_id;
       this.data = Monster.base_data_by_id[this.metadata_id];
       this.stats = {};
       this.stat_text = ;
       // TODO: Maybe set a parameter on the widget to determine default here?
       this.show = true;
       for (const [_, mod_id] of Object.entries(this.data['monsters.mod_ids'])) {
           var mod = Monster.mods[mod_id];
           this.stat_text += '
' + mod.stat_text; for (const [_, stat] of Object.entries(mod.stats)) { this.update_stat(stat.id, stat.copy()); } } var html = $(html_infobox); html.attr('id', this.metadata_id); $('.monster_container > tbody').append(html); this.html = $(`tr[id="${this.metadata_id}"`); this.tbl = this.html.find('table.monster_table'); this.stat_tbl = this.html.find('table.monster_stats'); this.stat_bdy = this.stat_tbl.find('tbody'); this.html.find('tr.monster_name th').click(this.toggle_show.bind(this)); this.ctl = this.html.find('table.controls'); // Widget parameters or set defaults for (const [name, cdata] of Object.entries(controls)) { var ele = this.ctl.find(`${cdata.type}[name="${name}"]`); // Still not entirely sure how the widget works if (cdata.var == || cdata.var === ) { cdata.var = cdata.default; } else { var rtr = cdata.func_validate(cdata.var); if (rtr == -1) { cdata.var = cdata.default; } else { cdata.var = rtr; } } // Update the UI element accordingly regardless of the original HTML value if (cdata.type == 'input') { switch (cdata.check) { case 'checked': ele.prop('checked', cdata.var); break; case 'number': ele.prop('value', cdata.var); break; } } else if (cdata.type == 'select') { if (name == 'rarity') { ele.prop('selectedIndex', rarities[cdata.var]); } else if (name == 'difficulty') { for (const [index, value] of Object.entries(difficulty_order)) { if (value == cdata.var) { ele.prop('selectedIndex', index); break; } } } } // Only copy the value to monster instance, since the other data won't be needed anymore this[name] = cdata.var; // Add listener function var m = this; ele.change(function () { var value; // In this context, "this" is the element that called this function switch (cdata.check) { case 'checked': value = this.checked; break; case 'number': value = Number(this.value); break; case 'value': default: value = this.value; } cdata.func_update(value); m.update_infobox(); }); } this.update_rarity(this.rarity); // Also updates map boss and map monster this.update_level(this.level); // Will also set current difficulty this.update_difficulty(controls.difficulty.var); this.update_is_minion(controls.is_minion.var); // Static infobox properties this.html.find('em.monster_name').html(this.data['monsters.name']); // Can be directly inserted into the releveant fields for (const [i, key] of Object.entries([ 'metadata_id', 'size', 'minimum_attack_distance', 'maximum_attack_distance', ])) { this.tbl.find(`.monster_${key}`).html(this.data[`monsters.${key}`]); } this.tbl.find('.monster_skill_ids').html(this.data['monsters.skill_ids'].join(', ')); var tags = this.data['monsters.tags'].concat(this.data['monster_types.tags']); this.tbl.find('.monster_tags').html(tags.join(', ')); // Update for the defaults this.update_infobox(); } toggle_show() { if (this.show) { this.ctl.css('display', 'none'); this.tbl.css('display', 'none'); this.stat_tbl.css('display', 'none'); this.show = false; } else { this.ctl.css('display', 'table'); this.tbl.css('display', 'table'); this.stat_tbl.css('display', 'table'); this.show = true; } } update_level(level) { // Deletes old and adds new in one go this.update_is_map_boss(this.is_map_boss, this.level, level); this.update_is_map_monster(this.is_map_monster, this.level, level); // Only deletes the old level this._update_rarity(this.rarity, true, this.level); this.level = level; // Rarity data for new level this._update_rarity(this.rarity, true, this.level); } _update_difficulty_mods(difficulty, del=false) { for (const [_, mod_id] of Object.entries(this.data[`monsters.${difficulty}_mod_ids`])) { var mod = Monster.mods[mod_id]; //TODO //this.stat_text += '
' + mod.stat_text; for (const [_, stat] of Object.entries(mod.stats)) { this.update_stat(stat.id, stat.copy(), del); } } } update_difficulty(difficulty) { var old = this.difficulty; if (old == difficulty) { return; } if (typeof difficulty !== 'undefined') { if (typeof difficulties[difficulty] === 'undefined') { alert('Undefined difficulty. You probably messed with JS.'); } else { this.difficulty = difficulty; } } else { for (const [_, diff] of Object.entries(difficulty_order)) { if (this.level <= difficulties[diff]) { this.difficulty = diff; break; } } } this._update_difficulty_mods(old, true); this._update_difficulty_mods(difficulty, false); } _update_map_monster_stats (stats, del=false, level) { for (var i=0;i<stats.length;i++) { var variable = stats[i]; var v = Monster.level_data[level][variable]; if (typeof v === 'undefined') { if (this.level < 66) { console.log('Map monster is set but undefined damage/hp multiplier value at level ' + this.level); return; } else { console.log('Map monster is set but undefined damage/hp multiplier value at level ' + this.level + '. The highest available value will be used'); for (var l=Monster.level_data.length-1; l>=0; l--) { v = Monster.level_data[l][variable]; if (typeof v !== 'undefined') { break; } } } } else { this.update_stat(Monster.stat_map[variable], Monster.level_data[level][variable], del); } } } update_is_map_monster(is_map_monster, level, new_level) { if (typeof level === 'undefined') { level = this.level; } if (typeof new_level === 'undefined') { new_level = level; } this._update_map_monster_stats(['map_life_multiplier', 'map_damage_multiplier'], true, level); this.is_map_monster = is_map_monster; this._update_map_monster_stats(['map_life_multiplier', 'map_damage_multiplier'], !(this.is_map_monster), new_level); if (is_map_monster) { this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_boss"]').prop('disabled', false); } else { this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_boss"]').prop('disabled', true); // Can no longer be a map boss if it's not a map monster if (this.is_map_boss) { this.update_is_map_boss(false); this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_boss"]').prop('checked', false); } } } update_is_map_boss(is_map_boss, level, new_level) { if (typeof level === 'undefined') { level = this.level; } if (typeof new_level === 'undefined') { new_level = level; } // Map bosses must be both a map monster and am map boss this._update_map_monster_stats(['boss_life', 'boss_damage', 'boss_item_quantity', 'boss_item_rarity'], true, level); this.is_map_boss = is_map_boss; this._update_map_monster_stats(['boss_life', 'boss_damage', 'boss_item_quantity', 'boss_item_rarity'], !(this.is_map_monster && this.is_map_boss), new_level); } update_is_minion(is_minion) { this.is_minion = is_minion; // Either show regular life value or minion life value if (is_minion) { this.tbl.find('.monster_life').parent('tr').css('display', 'none'); this.tbl.find('.monster_summon_life').parent('tr').css('display', 'table-row'); this.ctl.find('select[name="rarity"]').prop('disabled', true); this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_monster"]').prop('disabled', true); this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_boss"]').prop('disabled', true); if (this.rarity != 'Normal') { this.ctl.find('select[name="rarity"]').prop('selectedIndex', 0); this.update_rarity('Normal'); } if (this.is_map_boss) { this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_boss"]').prop('checked', 0); this.update_is_map_boss(false); } if (this.is_map_monster) { this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_monster"]').prop('checked', 0); this.update_is_map_monster(false); } } else { this.tbl.find('.monster_life').parent('tr').css('display', 'table-row'); this.tbl.find('.monster_summon_life').parent('tr').css('display', 'none'); this.ctl.find('select[name="rarity"]').prop('disabled', false); this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_monster"]').prop('disabled', false); this.ctl.find('input[name="is_map_boss"]').prop('disabled', false); } } // this can also be called via level change since monster rarity hp multiplier depend on the level _update_rarity(rarity, del=false, level) { for (const [stat_id, value] of Object.entries(Monster.rarity_data[rarity])) { this.update_stat(stat_id, value, del); } if (rarity == 'Magic' || rarity == 'Rare') { if (typeof level === 'undefined') { level = this.level; } var v = Monster.level_data[level][rarity + '_life_multiplier']; // In this case (i.e. level > 84) the highest available will be used // Since this might change in the future a loop is used to determine the max level if (typeof v === 'undefined') { for (var i=Monster.level_data.length; i>=0; i--) { v = Monster.level_data[i][variable]; if (typeof v !== 'undefined') { break; } } } this.update_stat(Monster.stat_map[rarity + '_life_multiplier'], v, del); } } update_rarity(rarity, level) { // Delete stats from previous rarity level this._update_rarity(this.rarity, true, level); this.rarity = rarity; this._update_rarity(this.rarity, false, level); }

   update_stat(stat_id, value, del=false) {
       var v = this.stats[stat_id];
       if (typeof v === 'undefined') {
           if (!del) {
               if (typeof value === 'number') {
                   value = new Stat(stat_id, value);
               } else {
                   value = value.copy();
               this.stats[stat_id] = value;
           // If the stat doesn't exist, we don't need to delete it
       } else {
           if (del) {
               if (v.is_zero()) {
                   delete this.stats[stat_id];
           } else {
   calculate_property(type) {
       var calc = Monster.calculation_params[type];
       var value;
       switch (calc.type) {
           case 'level':
               value = new Stat(type, Monster.level_data[this.level][type]);
               if (typeof calc.base !== 'undefined') {
           case 'base':
               value = new Stat(type, this.data[calc.base]);
           case 'resist':
               var diff = this.difficulty;
               var t = type.match(/(cold|chaos|fire|lightning)/)[1];
               value = new Stat(type, this.data[`monster_resistances.${diff}_${t}`]);
           case 'none':
               var v;
               if (typeof calc.value === 'undefined') {
                   v = 0;
               } else {
                   v = calc.value;
               value = new Stat(type, v);
       // Overriding is a special case that ingores all further calcuations
       var stats = this.stats;
       if (typeof calc.override !== 'undefined') {
           for (const [stat_id, override_value] of Object.entries(calc.override)) {
               var v = stats[stat_id];
               if (typeof v !== 'undefined') {
                   // TODO: Support for overriding to specific values if needed
                   if (v != 0) {
                       return override_value;
       for (const [_, stat_calc_type] of Object.entries(['added', 'increased', 'more', 'less'])) {
           var stat_ids = calc[stat_calc_type];
           if (typeof stat_ids !== 'undefined') {
               var values = [];
               stat_ids.forEach(function (stat_id) {
                   var v = stats[stat_id];
                   if (typeof v !== 'undefined') {
               StatCalculation[stat_calc_type](values, value);
       return value;
   infobox_level_changed() {
   infobox_rarity_changed() {
   infobox_is_map_monster_changed() {
   infobox_is_map_boss_changed() {
   infobox_diffculty_changed() {
   update_infobox() {
       $('.monster_container').find('.info_header').css('display', 'table-cell').html(i18n.calculating);
       // Correct rarity of the header
       this.html.find('em.monster_name').removeClass('-normal -magic -rare -unique').addClass('-' + this.rarity.toLowerCase());
       for (const [key, data] of Object.entries(Monster.calculation_params)) {
           if (key.endsWith('resistance')) {
       for (const [i, resist_type] of Object.entries(['lightning', 'cold', 'fire', 'chaos'])) {
           var key = resist_type + '_resistance';
       for (const [stat_id, stat] of Object.entries(this.stats)) {


       // Done, remove the calculating notice
       $('.monster_container').find('.info_header').css('display', 'none');


function fmt_number(digits, format) {

   if (typeof digits === 'undefined') {
       digits = 0;
   if (typeof format === 'undefined') {
       format = '{1}';
   return function(value) {
       value = value.toFixed(digits);
       return format.replace(/\{1\}/, value);


Monster.level_data = []; Monster.rarity_data = {

   // Normal shouldn't have any stats associated with it.
   Normal: {},
   Magic: {},
   Rare: {},
   Unique: {},

}; Monster.mods = {}; Monster.base_data = {}; Monster.base_data_by_id = {};

// Map these stats back for calcuation purposes Monster.stat_map = {

   ['map_life_multiplier']: 'map_hidden_monster_life_+%_final',
   ['map_damage_multiplier']: 'map_hidden_monster_damage_+%_final',
   ['boss_life']: 'map_hidden_monster_life_+%_final',
   ['boss_damage']: 'map_hidden_monster_damage_+%_final',
   ['boss_item_quantity']: 'monster_dropped_item_quantity_+%',
   ['boss_item_rarity']: 'monster_dropped_item_rarity_+%',
   // I believe these are the ones used though not at the same time
   ['Magic_life_multiplier']: 'monster_life_+%_final_from_rarity_table',
   ['Rare_life_multiplier']: 'monster_life_+%_final_from_rarity_table',


// List of things affected by each stat to calculate a final value Monster.calculation_params = {

   damage: {
       type: 'level',
       base: 'monsters.damage_multiplier',
       increased: [
       more: [
       less: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   // map_boss_life_+permyriad_final_from_awakening_level
   life: {
       type: 'level',
       base: 'monsters.health_multiplier',
       added: [
       increased: [
       more: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   summon_life: {
       type: 'level',
       base: 'monsters.health_multiplier',
       added: [
       increased: [
       more: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   evasion: {
       type: 'level',
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   accuracy: {
       type: 'level',
       increased: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   armour: {
       type: 'level',
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   experience: {
       type: 'level',
       base: 'monsters.experience_multiplier',
       increased: [
       override: {
           ['map_monsters_no_drops_or_experience']: 0,
       fmt: fmt_number(0),
   attack_speed: {
       type: 'base',
       base: 'monsters.attack_speed',
       increased: [
       more: [
       fmt: fmt_number(2),
   rarity: {
       type: 'none',
       added : [
       more: [
           // These two should be multiplicative at least with each other as per GGG
       fmt: fmt_number(0, '{1} %'),
   quantity: {
       type: 'none',
       added: [
       // monster_dropped_item_quantity_+%_from_player_support
       more: [
           // These two should be multiplicative at least with each other as per GGG
       override: {
           'map_monsters_no_drops_or_experience': 0,
       fmt: fmt_number(0, '{1} %'),
   lightning_resistance: {
       type: 'resist',
       added: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0, '{1} %'),
   cold_resistance: {
       type: 'resist',
       added: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0, '{1} %'),
   fire_resistance: {
       type: 'resist',
       added: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0, '{1} %'),
   chaos_resistance: {
       type: 'resist',
       added: [
       fmt: fmt_number(0, '{1} %'),
   critical_strike_chance: {
       type: 'base',
       base: 'monsters.critical_strike_chance',
       increased: [
       fmt: fmt_number(2, '{1} %'),
   critical_strike_multiplier: {
       type: 'none',
       value: 130,
       base: 'monsters.critical_strike_multiplier',
       added: [
       fmt: fmt_number(2, '{1} %'),


function _run_final_init() {

   init_level = init_level + 1;
   // Prevents from being run until all the cargo data is asyncronously loaded
   if (init_level >= init_max) {


function monster_init() {

       tables: ['monster_base_stats', 'monster_life_scaling', 'monster_map_multipliers'],
       fields: [
       join_on: 'monster_base_stats.level = monster_life_scaling.level, monster_base_stats.level=monster_map_multipliers.level',
   }, function (data) {
       data.forEach(function (value) {
           var v = {};
           for (const [field, field_value] of Object.entries(value.title)) {
               v[field] = Number(field_value);
           Monster.level_data[v.level] = v;
       tables: ['monsters', 'monster_types', 'monster_resistances'],
       fields: [
           // Monster data
           // Apprently strips the table if I don't do this
           // Monster type data
           // Apprently strips the table if I don't do this
           // This is kinda unconfirmed, want to leave it out for the moment
           // 'monster_types.armour_multiplier',
           // 'monster_types.damage_spread', 
           // 'monster_types.energy_shield_multiplier',
           // 'monster_types.evasion_multiplier',
           // Monster resistance data
           // Should rename these fields for consistency -.-
       join_on: 'monsters.monster_type_id=monster_types.id, monster_types.monster_resistance_id=monster_resistances.id',
       //where: 'monsters.name LIKE "%Izaro%"',
       //limit: 2,
       //where: 'monsters.metadata_id="Metadata/Monsters/AnimatedItem/AnimatedArmourBossSideAreaInvasion"',
       where: ``,
   }, function (data) {
       if (data.length == 0) {
       var query_mods = {};
       for (const [index, entry] of Object.entries(data)) {
           var curdata = entry.title;
           // Need these as numbers to calcuate values later on
               // Should rename these fields for consistency -.-
           ].forEach(function (value) {
               curdata[value] = Number(curdata[value]); 
           // Needed as lists
           ].forEach(function (key) {
               var value = curdata[key];
               if (value == "") {
                   value = [];
               } else {
                   value = value.split(',');
               curdata[key] = value;
           Monster.base_data[index] = entry.title;
           Monster.base_data_by_id[entry.title['monsters.metadata_id']] = entry.title;
           // Schedule mods for querying
           ].forEach(function (field) {
               curdata[field].forEach(function (mod_id) {
                   query_mods[mod_id] = true;
       var query_mods_array = [];
       for (const [mod_id, a] of Object.entries(query_mods)) {
       // avoids query errors due to empty IN clause
       if (query_mods_array.length > 500) {
           alert('FIXME: Over 500 mods');
       } else if (query_mods_array.length > 0) {
           query_mods = query_mods_array.join('", "');
               tables: ['mods', 'mod_stats'],
               fields: [
               join_on: 'mods._pageID=mod_stats._pageID',
               where: `
                   mods.id IN ("${query_mods}") OR (
                       mods.generation_type = 3
                       AND mods.domain = 3
                       AND mods.id REGEXP "Monster(Magic|Rare|Unique)[0-9]*$"
           }, function (data) {
               data.forEach(function (value) {
                   var v = value.title;
                   var stat = new Stat(v.stat_id, Number(v['mod_stats.min']), Number(v['mod_stats.max']));
                   var rarity = v.mod_id.match(/Monster(Magic|Rare|Unique)[0-9]*$/);
                   if (rarity == null) {
                       if (typeof Monster.mods[v.mod_id] === 'undefined') {
                           Monster.mods[v.mod_id] = {
                               'stat_text': v['mods.stat_text'],
                               'stats': [],
                   } else {
                       Monster.rarity_data[rarity[1]][v.stat_id] = stat;
       } else {
           // need to increment in any case
   }, function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
       // since JS doesn't actually show the DB error the query is duplicated in the template. The error will be shown there.
       $('#monster_query_error').css('display', 'initial');


var m = {};

function monster_finalize_init() {

   for (const [metadata_id, data] of Object.entries(Monster.base_data_by_id)) {
       m[metadata_id] = new Monster(metadata_id);
   $('.monster_container').find('.info_header').css('display', 'none');


// // Test functions //

function test_stat() {

   a = new Stat('id', 1, 1);
   b = new Stat('id', 5, 5);
   console.log('+ 6?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('- 1?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('* 5?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('/ 1?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('+ 11?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('- 1?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('* 10?', a.min, a.max);
   console.log('/ 1?', a.min, a.max);

} //test_stat();

//monster_init(); window.addEventListener('load', function() {

   setTimeout(monster_init, 1000);

}); }</script>