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A table with Vaal scrolls

Vaal Letters are environmental lore objects founds in corrupted areas around Wraeclast. They tell of Atziri's subjugates how their turmoil under her reign.


"I had nothing. I was nothing. I sold my flesh to survive. Today, my flesh belongs to my Queen."


"What did I say? What did I do? I flattered, I promised, I bared my skin and soul to my beloved Atziri. I did everything but offer to die for her. Is that where I went wrong?"


"A ring. Plated, not even solid silver. That's all I took. Now I'm stuffed full of gems and destined for the block. For palming a wretched, half-crown ring."


"I am but a crude reflection of our Queen of Endless Beauty. I die today so that all of Vaal may bask in her Radiance tomorrow."


"I should have drawn the last breath from him. Yet all I did was draw his blood. Doryani will take my head in the morning and I have my shaking hands to thank for it."


"I was to wither away in darkness. My queen has brought me into the light. I would have lived in ugliness. Now I may die in Beauty."


"Our Queen has demanded we look into the gems for our salvation. We see ourselves reflected in those facets, twisted beyond recognition."


"There was no escape for me. Should our Queen and her thaumaturge succeed, there will be no escape for anyone."


"For seven years I advised. For seven years she listened. Today, she would not. Now my blood will be but another drop in an ocean that will drown this land."


"Queen Atziri forfeited her sovereignty the day that she chose to murder her people."


"Atziri is my love and my life. I give one so that I might have the other for all eternity."


"Atziri promises us eternal life. The only eternity we shall have is in the memories of the barbarians that shall plant their crops on our graves."


"I have been plagued by a sickness as of late. A kind of blood marking. This curse stalks me in both waking life and the world of dream. The relics no longer sing to me of power, they scream to me of hunger and the ruins call out like needy children for blood, oh, so much more blood! Now that I am aware of thier ancient existence, they will not remain silent!
What was - at first - revitalising, is now a torment. I can't, no matter how hard I try, clean the blood from my face and hands. Nobody ever sees the red, but for me, yet this does not mean it doesn't exist!
I purchased three Karui slaves from the marketplace the other morning. Strapping young lads of seventeen. At the blood site in the ancient ruins, they pleaded with me. Something about the place, the corruption engrained in the stonework... it spoke to them, and they knew. The powers demand blood, so I gave it to them. I opened the throats of those Karui lads and poured out their essence onto Atziri's altar. As the sanguine liquid was sucked up by the stone, my mind frayed and I saw the Queen herself, naked and aroused, bathing in a pool of blood while her hand reached between her thighs.
I... I can't shaked her image from my mind, even now as I lay on my bed, I shiver with fear and anticipation. I have never felt lust for a woman in this magnitude. I fear the Queen shall be the death of me. When I close my eyes I see her, reaching out to embrace me.

- Templar Davaro"