The Utzaal Arena

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The Utzaal Arena
No Waypoint
Area level1
Area type tagsdungeon

The Utzaal Arena is an arena that contains a special Ultimatum encounter, accessed by using Inscribed UltimatumInscribed UltimatumCan be used in a personal map device to open portals to the Trialmaster's Domain and attempt his challenge. Portals will close once the challenge begins. in the Map DeviceMap DeviceHideout ItemCreates an object in your hideout2 Variations.

The area has two internal ids: "UltimatumArena" and "UltimatumArenaEndgame".

The arena consists of square platforms connected via bridges to form a square grid; Stone Circles can spawn on any of the four T-shaped bridges or the square areas. Ultimatum effects such as the Flaming Skulls, Miasma Clouds, and Ruinous Ghosts can cross gaps.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.