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Notable Passive Skill
+3 to maximum Fortification
Regenerate 0.1% of Life per second per Fortification [1]

Steadfast is a notable passive skill that increases the maximum stacks of fortify.


Blight anointment to unlock the passive:

Oil #1Oil #2Oil #3Outcome
Sepia OilGolden OilGolden OilSteadfast
+3 to maximum Fortification
Regenerate 0.1% of Life per second per Fortification

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Steadfast Notable Passive Skill now provides +3 to maximum Fortification (previously +4), and also now has "Regenerate 0.1% of Life per second per Fortification".
  • The entry small Passive Skill in the Steadfast cluster no longer provides "Fortifying Hits grant 30% increased Fortification", and instead provides "+1 to maximum Fortification".
  • The entry small Passive Skill in the Steadfast cluster that provides increased Fortification for Fortifying Hits now has a value of 30% (previously 20%).
  • The top of the Steadfast cluster now consists of two small Passive Skills that each provide 40% increased Fortification Duration (previously one small Passive Skill that provided 20% increased Fortification for Fortifying Hits).
  • Change the Fortify mechanic so it is given as stacks of Fortification, which is gained based on how much melee damage you deal.
    • No longer grants 10% increased Effect of Fortify on you, 10% increased Effect of Fortify on you while Stationary or 30% increased Armour while you have Fortify. Instead, it now grants +4 to maximum Fortification. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Introduced to the game