Replica Harvest Jasper ChopperTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (127.6-139.2) to (200.2-218.4) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.15 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 37, 100 Str, 29 Dex(120-140)% increased Physical Damage 1.2% of Damage Leeched as Life on Critical Strike 3% increased Global Critical Strike Chance per Level Gain Elusive on Critical Strike"Why is Prototype #67 never in the vault it should be? Either we're keeping faulty logs, or..." - Researcher Graven
Acquisition Drop restricted Replicas can be obtained from Curio Displays in the final reward rooms of any Grand Heist.Vendor Offer 8x Alchemy Shard 10x Alteration ShardWeapon DPS Physical: (188.5-205.6) Phys+Chaos: (188.5-205.6) Total: (188.5-205.6)Metadata Item class: Two-Handed Axe
Replica Harvest is a uniqueJasper ChopperJasper ChopperTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: 58-91 Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.15 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 37, 100 Str, 29 Dex. It is the replica version of The HarvestThe Harvest Jasper ChopperTwo Handed Axe Physical Damage: (127.6-139.2) to (200.2-218.4) Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.15 Weapon Range: 1.3 metresRequires Level 37, 100 Str, 29 Dex(120-140)% increased Physical Damage 1.2% of Damage Leeched as Life on Critical Strike 3% increased Global Critical Strike Chance per Level Gain a FlaskCharge when you deal a Critical StrikeLet it grow and gather inside them, Let it flow through their veins. Don't waste a drop..
Replica Harvest has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.
Replicas can be obtained from Curio Displays in the final reward rooms of any Grand Heist.
Replica Harvest can be created from the following recipes:
The Forward GazeThe Forward Gaze6Replica Item"When they realize our true intent, they will decry us, assault us, and try to crush what we have built. We must stand tall, Qotra, and make the future our own."
Random replica item
The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.