Lightning Conduit

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Lightning ConduitLightning Conduit of the Heavens
Lightning ConduitSpell, AoE, Lightning
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Requires Level 28Lightning strikes all Shocked enemies around a targeted location, then removes Shock from those enemies. Shocks cannot expire on enemies in range while casting this spell. Cannot be supported by Spell Cascade or Unleash.Deals (33-387) to (98-1161) Lightning Damage
Cannot inflict Shock
This Spell's Cast Time is added to its Cooldown if Triggered
Base radius is 6 metres
(10-20)% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.2-4)% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Drop level: 28
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemLightningConduit

Lightning Conduit is a spell that hits all shocked enemies within radius of where you targeted to deal lightning damage, then removes shock from them. The damage dealt by this spell scales with the effect magnitude of each target's shock.

Skill functions and interactions

  • Area of Effect: Lightning Conduit targets enemies in a radius around the player dependent on AoE. The hit itself is not considered AoE and does not scale with Area Damage modifiers. Concentrated Effect SupportConcentrated Effect SupportSupport, AoE
    Icon: o
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
    Requires Level 18Supports any skill with an area of effect, regardless of whether that skill deals damage.Supported Skills deal (25-39)% more Area Damage
    Supported Skills have 30% less Area of Effect

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Area Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    will reduce the targeting range but does not affect damage.
  • Casting: The spell will always attempt to cast when used; however, if no shocked enemies are in range, it will not hit any enemies. It will still count as a skill use however, and trigger effects such as Orb of StormsOrb of StormsLightning, Spell, AoE, Chaining, Orb
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (4-16) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 0.50 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (80-110)%
    Requires Level 4Creates a stationary electrical orb that strikes enemies in its area of effect with beams of lightning that can then split to hit more enemies. Modifiers to cast speed will increase how frequently it does this. Casting this skill again will replace the previous orb.Deals (3-304) to (8-913) Lightning Damage
    Strikes every (3.50-2.55) seconds, and when you use a Lightning Skill near the Orb
    Strikes every 0.50 seconds while Channelling a Lightning Skill near the Orb
    Beam Splits towards 3 additional targets
    Orb disappears after (10-29) Strikes

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Beam Splits towards (0.1-2) additional targets
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    ' additional bolts (allowing it to re-shock an enemy right away). It will also trigger "on skill use" effects and consume the cost of the spell.
  • Cooldown: The skill's tooltip cast time will be added onto any cooldowns triggering this skill, including any modifiers to cast speed. Attaching Faster Casting SupportFaster Casting SupportSupport, Spell
    Icon: f
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
    Requires Level 18Supports non-instant spell skills.Supported Skills have (20-39)% increased Cast Speed

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills have (0.5-10)% increased Cast Speed
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    will reduce the overall cooldown, unlike typical triggers. Action Speed modifiers are disregarded for this interaction. Cooldown Recovery Rate modifiers will affect the sum of the original trigger's cooldown and Lightning Conduit's additional cooldown.
  • Cast While Channelling: Cast while Channelling SupportCast while Channelling SupportSupport, Channelling, Spell, Trigger
    Icon: W
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
    Requires Level 38Must support both a channelling skill and a non-channelling spell skill to work. The channelling skill will trigger a spell periodically while channelling. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.Trigger a Supported Spell every (0.45-0.35) seconds while Channelling Supported Skills
    Supported Triggered Spells deal 30% less Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Channelling Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Damage
    Supported Triggered Spells deal (0.5-10)% increased Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    (and Awakened Cast While Channelling SupportAwakened Cast While Channelling SupportSupport, Channelling, Spell, Trigger
    Icon: W
    Level: (1-5)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
    Requires Level 72Must support both a channelling skill and a non-channelling spell skill to work. The channelling skill will trigger a spell periodically while channelling. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.Trigger a Supported Spell every (0.34-0.30) seconds while Channelling Supported Skills
    Ignore Stuns while Using Supported Skills
    Supported Triggered Spells deal 30% less Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Channelling Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Damage
    Supported Triggered Spells deal (0.5-10)% increased Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    ) function differently from typical triggers due to the line Trigger a Supported Spell every (0.45-0.35) seconds while Channelling Supported Skills. This trigger interval is not considered a Cooldown (therefore not affected by Cooldown Recovery Rate). Because of this, Lightning Conduit will add its additional CD to a base of 0 CD. The skill will then depend on both the trigger interval and the CD. By reducing the CD below the trigger interval (account for server ticks of 0.033 sec) it is possible to not lose any casts.
  • Shock Removal: Lightning Conduit removes the Shock from targets after hitting it. Effects dependant on Shock will apply to the hit, such as #% of Damage Leeched as Life against Shocked Enemies. Effects such as Summon SkitterbotsSummon SkitterbotsTrap, Mine, Spell, Minion, Cold, Lightning, AoE, Aura
    Level: (1-20)
    Reservation: 35% Mana
    Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: Instant
    Requires Level 16Summon a Chilling Skitterbot and a Shocking Skitterbot, which will trigger your traps and detonate your mines. Mines detonated by Skitterbots will re-arm and can then be detonated again. The Skitterbots grant you more trap and mine damage, and cannot be targeted or damaged.(0-76)% increased Minion Movement Speed
    Minions have (0-19)% increased Chill Effect
    Minions have (0-19)% increased Shock Effect
    Maximum 1 Summoned Skitterbot of each type
    Chilling Skitterbot's Aura Chills Enemies near it
    Shocking Skitterbot's Aura Shocks Enemies near it
    Skitterbots grant 10% more Trap and Mine Damage

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (2-40)% increased Minion Movement Speed
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    or Corpse Pact with DesecrateDesecrateSpell, AoE, Duration, Chaos
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (11-26) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.60 sec
    Requires Level 16Desecrates the ground, spawning corpses based on monsters in the current area and dealing chaos damage over time to enemies. If you are using the Raise Spectre skill there is a chance to spawn spectral corpses matching your most recently raised Spectres. Spectral corpses cannot be interacted with except by Minion skills.Deals (8.2-294) Base Chaos Damage per second
    Base duration is 4.00 seconds
    Spawns 5 corpses
    Spawned corpses' level matches the area level, up to a maximum of Level (20-80)
    Maximum of 10 corpses allowed

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (1-20)% increased Cast Speed
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    that make nearby enemies Shocked will not reapply the Shock after removal unless the enemy (or the Skitterbots) move out of range of the Shocking radius and re-enter. This can be partially bypassed with a trigger loop setup to cast corpses, or continuously moving with CorpsewalkerCorpsewalker
    Carnal Boots
    Evasion: (178-257)
    Energy Shield: (36-52)
    Requires Level 55, 52 Dex, 52 IntTriggers Level 20 Corpse Walk when Equipped
    (80-120)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
    25% increased Movement Speed
    For each nearby corpse, 1% increased Movement Speed
    For each nearby corpse, Regenerate 8.00 Life per second
    Every glorious conquest
    stands astride innocent bones.
    . Elemental Proliferation SupportElemental Proliferation SupportCold, Fire, Lightning, Support, AoE
    Icon: S
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%
    Supports any skill that hits enemies, or could otherwise apply elemental ailments.(0-19)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
    Elemental Ailments inflicted by Supported Skills spread to other enemies within (1.2-1.5) metres
    Supported Skills have 20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0.5-10)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    on a Shock reflected to the player will reapply Shock[1], but is limited by the small range of the proliferation.
  • Hydrosphere: Lightning Conduit will target and remove Shock from a HydrosphereHydrosphereSpell, AoE, Duration, Cold, Orb, Lightning, Physical
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (12-20) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.60 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (65-110)%
    Requires Level 34Create a sphere of water, or move an existing sphere and reset its duration. The sphere continually applies a drenched debuff with a short duration to enemies in its area or those it moves through. You can hit the sphere with other skills to inflict Cold and Lightning Ailments (other than Chill). The sphere pulses when created, at regular intervals while afflicted by an Ailment, and after moving, damaging all drenched enemies in a large area.Deals (37-510) to (56-765) Physical Damage
    Base duration is 8.00 seconds
    Base secondary duration is 4.00 seconds
    Pulses every 0.4 seconds while Frozen, Shocked, Brittle or Sapped
    Can only be Hit once every 1 second
    Drenched Enemies have Cold and Lightning Exposure, applying -10% to Resistances
    100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage while Sphere has no Ailments
    100% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage while sphere is Shocked or Sapped
    100% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage while Sphere is Frozen or Brittle

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    +(0.5-10)% increased Pulse Frequency
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    . This will cause the Hydrosphere to stop pulsing, even if it was previously simultaneously Frozen, Sapped, or Brittle. Skills like Orb of StormsOrb of StormsLightning, Spell, AoE, Chaining, Orb
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (4-16) Mana
    Cooldown Time: 0.50 sec
    Can Store 1 Use(s)
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (80-110)%
    Requires Level 4Creates a stationary electrical orb that strikes enemies in its area of effect with beams of lightning that can then split to hit more enemies. Modifiers to cast speed will increase how frequently it does this. Casting this skill again will replace the previous orb.Deals (3-304) to (8-913) Lightning Damage
    Strikes every (3.50-2.55) seconds, and when you use a Lightning Skill near the Orb
    Strikes every 0.50 seconds while Channelling a Lightning Skill near the Orb
    Beam Splits towards 3 additional targets
    Orb disappears after (10-29) Strikes

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Beam Splits towards (0.1-2) additional targets
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    will chain to the Hydrosphere to re-shock it, making it an effective ailment loop, especially in a trigger setup.
  • Oath of Spring: if the target has multiple shocks from Warden's Oath of Spring, Lightning Conduit removes all of the shocks, and calculates damage based on their combined magnitude.[2]

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelRequired IntelligenceMana
More DamageExp.Total Exp.
12867633 to 98+10%00
23173640 to 119+10%199345199345
33479748 to 145+11%285815485160
43785858 to 175+11%401344886504
54092970 to 211+12%5543791440883
64296979 to 238+12%4774371918320
7441001089 to 268+13%5837862502106
84610411101 to 302+13%7103593212465
94810911113 to 340+14%13555114567976
105011312127 to 382+15%11388775706853
115211712143 to 429+15%13682337075086
125412113160 to 480+16%16383388713424
135612513179 to 538+16%195664810670072
145813014201 to 602+17%365518414325256
156013414224 to 673+17%301732717342583
166213815250 to 751+18%775999525102578
176414215280 to 839+18%1513819340240771
186614616312 to 935+19%2608382566324596
196815116347 to 1042+19%62620247128944843
207015516387 to 1161+20%211708088340652931
217215917431 to 1292+20%
227417479 to 1437+20%
237618532 to 1597+20%
247818592 to 1775+20%
258018657 to 1971+20%
268219729 to 2188+20%
278419809 to 2427+21%
288619897 to 2692+21%
298820994 to 2983+21%
3090201102 to 3305+21%
3191201160 to 3479+21%
3292201220 to 3661+21%
3393211284 to 3852+21%
3494211351 to 4053+21%
3595211421 to 4264+21%
3696211495 to 4485+21%
3797211573 to 4718+22%
3898221654 to 4962+22%
3999221740 to 5219+22%
40100221829 to 5488+22%

Item acquisition

Lightning Conduit can drop anywhere.


Lightning Conduit can be created from the following recipes:

13The CataclysmThe Cataclysm13Level 21 Spell Gem
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Random corrupted level 21 Spell gemA
6The FoxThe Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Random level 20 gemA
3Gemcutter's PromiseGemcutter's Promise3Gem
Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus, Imperial Gemcutter
Random gem with 20% qualityA
1Gemcutter's IncubatorGemcutter's IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Quality Gem item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Random gem with 1–20% qualityA
1The VoidThe Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Random divination card set exchangeA

Quest reward

This item is given as a quest reward for the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
Sever the Right Hand
Act 3

Vendor reward

This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
Sever the Right Hand
Act 3

Related helmet enchantments

The following helmet enchantments affect Lightning Conduit.

Note that helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable since version 3.23.0 and can only be obtained in permanent leagues as already enchanted items from before this patch.

NameFor generated item/monster modifiers the minimum item/monster level respectively. Some generation types may not require this condition to be met, however item level restrictions may be raised to 80% of this value.LabyrinthStatsSpawn Weighting
Enchantment Lightning Conduit Area of Effect 166Merciless LabyrinthLightning Conduit has 16% increased Area of Effecthelmet 100
Enchantment Lightning Conduit Area of Effect 275Eternal LabyrinthLightning Conduit has 24% increased Area of Effecthelmet 100
Enchantment Lightning Conduit Cast Speed 166Merciless LabyrinthLightning Conduit has 8% increased Cast Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Lightning Conduit Cast Speed 275Eternal LabyrinthLightning Conduit has 12% increased Cast Speedhelmet 100
Enchantment Lightning Conduit Damage 166Merciless LabyrinthLightning Conduit deals 25% increased Damagehelmet 100
Enchantment Lightning Conduit Damage 275Eternal LabyrinthLightning Conduit deals 40% increased Damagehelmet 100

Alternate skill effects

Lightning Conduit has the following alternate skill effects:

Automaton Lightning Conduit EffectAutomaton Lightning Conduit EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Lightning Conduit becomes an Automaton Effect.Your Lightning Conduit becomes an Automaton Effect.
Celestial Lightning Conduit EffectCelestial Lightning Conduit EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Lightning Conduit becomes a Celestial Effect.Your Lightning Conduit becomes a Celestial Effect.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Quality now provides +0-4% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy, instead of 0-20% increased Damage.
  • Lightning Conduit now deals 33 to 98 Lightning Damage at gem level 1 (previously 43 to 130), up to 387 to 1161 at gem level 20 (previously 516 to 1548). It now has 140% Effectiveness of Added Damage (previously 190%).
  • Fixed a bug where Galvanic FieldGalvanic FieldSpell, AoE, Duration, Lightning, Chaining, Orb
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (9-18) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (60-100)%
    Requires Level 16Applies a buff boosting chance to shock. When you shock an enemy while you have this buff, creates a spherical field of energy attached to the shocked enemy for a duration, which will damage it and other nearby enemies with beams of lightning. The strength of the field depends on the magnitude of shock affecting the enemy when it is created.Deals (1-56) to (23-1067) Lightning Damage
    Cannot inflict Shock
    Base duration is 6.00 seconds
    Fires a beam every 0.10 seconds
    Can target each enemy only once every (0.70-0.50) seconds
    Buff Grants 20% chance to Shock enemies
    Field gains (10-15)% more Damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy when created
    Field gains +0.1 metres to radius per 10% Shock Effect on Enemy when created
    Maximum 1 Field

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Buff grants +(1-20)% chance to Shock enemies
    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    could be purchased from Clarissa by the Templar instead of Lightning Conduit.
  • Introduced to the game.
  • Fixed a bug where Lightning Conduit would hit the same shocked target multiple times when combined with Chain Reaction and Trap SupportTrap SupportSupport, Trap
    Icon: T
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
    Requires Level 8Supports spells, or attacks that use bows or wands. Instead of using that skill, you will throw a trap that will use the skill for you when an enemy walks near it. Traps cannot use channelling skills.Supported Attack Skills cannot be used with Melee Weapons
    Trap lasts 4 seconds
    Supported Skills deal (20-6)% less Trap Damage
    Supported Skills have (0-19)% increased Trap Throwing Speed

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Trap Damage
    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.


  2. Community_Team (July 24, 2024). "Settles of Kalguur: Recently Asked Questions". Official Path of Exile Website. Retrieved July 24, 2024.