Infused Flesh

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Infused Flesh
Notable Passive Skill
18% of Damage taken Recouped as Life [1]

Infused Flesh is a notable passive skill.




Blight anointment to unlock the passive:

Oil #1Oil #2Oil #3Outcome
Amber OilIndigo OilBlack OilInfused Flesh
18% of Damage taken Recouped as Life

Version history

Version Changes
  • Infused Flesh is introduced to the game.
  • Due to the sweeping changes made to the passive tree, existing Anointments that apply to a Notable that has been removed will now apply a different Notable. We've also taken this opportunity to review the Oil combinations required for Notables.
    • Intensity is removed from the main passive skill tree. Existing item anointed with Intensity , would allocate Infused Flesh instead. This does not affect the cluster jewel version of the Intensity.