Time Dilation

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Time Dilation
Notable Passive Skill
Time gained from Kills is Doubled for Incursions in your Maps
Incursions in your Maps have 33% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic [1]

Time Dilation is an atlas passive skill.


It is located in the top half of the tree, near to the right hand of the Maven of the tree background art (thus it is on the left side on the UI view)

Version history

Version Changes
  • (In Ruthless mode only) No longer causes Incursions in your Maps to have 33% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic.
  • Now worded as Incursions in your Maps have 33% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic[1] to clarify it is not affecting Kirac's mission or map instance from other players (this wording change probably occurred in 3.18 or 3.17)
  • Now part of atlas-wide passive skill tree as the atlas has only one region now.
  • Moved to Glennach Cairns atlas region; Lex Ejoris is removed from the game as the atlas now has 4 regions instead of 8.
  • Now grants "Incursions in Areas have 33% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic", instead of "Incursion Monsters in Areas are at least Magic".
  • Now grant Incursion Monsters in Areas are at least Magic (moved from Cultural Advancement, which that passive itself is removed). No longer grant Incursion Architects in Areas drop 1 additional Rare Incursion Item
  • Introduced to the game.


  1. Community_Team (May 10, 2022). "The Atlas Passive Tree in Path of Exile: Sentinel". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved July 1, 2023.