Apep's Supremacy Vaal Spirit ShieldChance to Block: 24% Energy Shield: (186-214) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 62, 159 Int(5-10)% increased Spell DamageAdds (50-55) to (72-80) Chaos Damage +(130-150) to maximum Energy Shield (30-50)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge You take Chaos Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding +25% chance to be Poisoned +3% to all maximum Resistances while Poisoned Poisons on you expire 50% slowerGive him your body, and your burdens will follow.
Apep's Supremacy is a uniqueVaal Spirit ShieldVaal Spirit ShieldChance to Block: 24% Energy Shield: (56-64) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 62, 159 Int(5-10)% increased Spell Damage.[1]
You take Chaos Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding has a similar outcome to damage taken as modifiers, but happens in a separate step before those modifiers are applied, thus it is possible to take the chaos damage as another element.[2]
Item acquisition
Apep's Supremacy has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.
Apep's Supremacy can be created from the following recipes:
Apep's SlumberApep's Slumber Vaal Spirit ShieldChance to Block: 24% Energy Shield: (136-164) Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 62, 159 Int(5-10)% increased Spell DamageAdds (50-55) to (72-80) Chaos Damage +(80-100) to maximum Energy Shield +25% chance to be Poisoned +3% to all maximum Resistances while Poisoned Regenerate 80 Energy Shield per Second per Poison on you, up to 400 per second Poisons on you expire 50% slowerThe heart grows slow, the spirit grows strong.
Vial of AwakeningVial of AwakeningStack Size: 10The eyes of Apep flicker open and the Poisoned One stirs.Sacrifice this item on the Altar of Sacrifice along with Apep's Slumber to transform it.